Archive | May, 2013

Busy Bee

19 May

Hi guys,

Wow, I’m still so busy! Half term next week really cannot come soon enough – I have a few days scheduled in with my bff and a trip to see a psychic!

Until then it’s work work work, and run run run, then finally sleep sleep sleep!

I have enjoyed a few days away this weekend to see my little brother in his final ever Drama School performance! I know I sound old and like your great aunt, but seriously, where has the time gone? My ‘little’ brother is now 21 and about to make his own way in the world, and whatever happens I couldn’t be more proud of him 🙂 Photos to follow later this week.

One more week, let’s do this.

How have you all been?


10 May

Feeling: That I have been away from the blogosphere and you lovely people for far too long and that this would be a good way to catch up!

Wanting: Some time off! through covering shifts for friends and all my own days, I have inadvertently found myself in the middle of a massive 5 week stint with only 2 days off 😦 Not cool!

Reading: ‘Teaching English in a foreign land’ and ‘Do Life’ – both great reads for a little motivation in my life at the moment.

Listening to: New favourite tune – Passenger – Let her go

Eating: Nothing at this very second, but I have been trying much harder to eat more healthily this week – and have been mostly successful. Lots of strawberries, nom nom nom.

Working on: A lot of TEFL work. I’m doing this pretty cool project which involves working with one of my favourite students from last year and devising a scheme of work for him to improve his English. I’m really enjoying it because it’s caused him to tell me lots of things that I’d just never thought about asking before.

Dreaming about: A sunnier, less stressful place! I spend pretty much every free minute reading travel blogs or looking for potential jobs in sunny places!

Missing: My friends from university. I finished my final year exams 3 years ago today, and the time has flown by. Big reunion needed!

What is going on in your life currently?

7 May

An ex-student told me today that he preferred Hakuna Matata to YOLO and that was the attitude that he was taking towards life.

Love my job.

5 May

10K, consider yourself well and truly signed up for.

10 weeks to get fit.

Let’s do this.

A Letter To My CV

4 May

Dear CV

Could you please just re-write yourself and email yourself and apply for lots of fun jobs that you think I might enjoy yourself please? I’m bored of all this grown up malarky.

Cool, thanks.
