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10 May

Feeling: That I have been away from the blogosphere and you lovely people for far too long and that this would be a good way to catch up!

Wanting: Some time off! through covering shifts for friends and all my own days, I have inadvertently found myself in the middle of a massive 5 week stint with only 2 days off 😦 Not cool!

Reading: ‘Teaching English in a foreign land’ and ‘Do Life’ – both great reads for a little motivation in my life at the moment.

Listening to: New favourite tune – Passenger – Let her go

Eating: Nothing at this very second, but I have been trying much harder to eat more healthily this week – and have been mostly successful. Lots of strawberries, nom nom nom.

Working on: A lot of TEFL work. I’m doing this pretty cool project which involves working with one of my favourite students from last year and devising a scheme of work for him to improve his English. I’m really enjoying it because it’s caused him to tell me lots of things that I’d just never thought about asking before.

Dreaming about: A sunnier, less stressful place! I spend pretty much every free minute reading travel blogs or looking for potential jobs in sunny places!

Missing: My friends from university. I finished my final year exams 3 years ago today, and the time has flown by. Big reunion needed!

What is going on in your life currently?

Another Blustery Day & April Goals.

2 Apr

It has been so so windy here lately! We went out for a walk on the moors yesterday and were struggling to walk in a straight line at times!

Family Love

Mum shelter

Maisie even came face to face with her first pig – I’m not really sure she knew what to do with herself!

Miss Piggy

I’m also setting myself some goals for the month today – it’s difficult to estimate the constraints on my time for a month that is half holiday and half school time, but I know deep down that I should be making time for the things I want to achieve whatever other pressures there are in my life.

So, this month I want to….

*Blog more often – no more leaving weeks of nothingness!

* Read 4 books – Finish The Scorch Trials (I’ve only got about 80 pages left) and 4 more.

* Once my new pedometer arrives (hopefully later this week) walk at least 8,000 steps a day. I know that this isn’t loads but I don’t want to set myself up for an almost certain fail!

* Get back in to the swing of C25K – I’d like to be able to comfortably complete weeks 2&3 by the end of the week.

* Keep ticking items off my ‘TEFL’ to do list – I want to be on top of my workload by the time term starts again in 2 weeks time.

Do you have any goals this month?


Happy Easter!

31 Mar

finish novel


In case you couldn’t guess, I’ve spent most of the day reading and lounging around and have just finished my book. Great story, devestated that it’s finished (review coming later this week). I’m looking for something to get stuck in to next – I know I have a ‘to read’ list a mile long on my goodreads page but any suggestions?

In other news, Happy Easter! It’s a cold and blustery day here so I’ve been taking the oportunity to get some work done and catch up with myself a little.

It’ll be a perfect day when my roast lamb is served later on!

How are you spending your Easter Sunday?

Today Has Been A Good Day.

30 Mar

Burrator 1

Burrator 2

Burrator 3

Burrator 5

Burrator 4

Friends and ice creams and the first sunny day in a while – it’s been fun 🙂

17.03.13 On TEFL, Running, Books & Travel Wishes.

17 Mar

I know, I know, I’m falling in to that trap of starting every post with ‘ah, I’m so sorry I haven’t been around for a while’, but it’s true! Life is busy busy busy at the moment but mostly enjoable.

So let’s see, whats’s been going on?

I am still working hard at my TEFL course and as mentioned the other day I smashed my second teaching practice earlier this week. I am still sort of riding off that high 😉 I have a lot of work to do though, it’s kind of swallowing up my entire weekend which is not so cool!

I have tried to start running again – couch25k is my friend…again! I thought I’d been out of the game a little too long to just start running as and when I feel like it, so have just gone for week3 (I did try the week 2 plan but it wasn’t too challenging, which can only be a good thing!).

I’ve generally been too busy to find much reading time – boooo 😦 – but when I have found a free 20minutes I’ve been reading Lonely Planet travel stories and indulging my imagination a little. I am off to Paris on a school trip – woooo! – later this week, but am desperate to book a trip somewhere! It is seriously taking all my willpower not to jump on easyjet for a few weeks!

Nearly the Easter holidays which means 3 weeks off school! Wooop! I don’t really have many plans yet other than to catch up on my work, see some friends, blog some more and read a lot of books! It’s going to be relaxing and chilled and wonderful!

So over you – are you working out at the moment? What are you reading? Any upcoming travel excitement?

I hope you’re having a great weekend 🙂

Three Things Thursday

7 Mar

2 weeks today I will be in France on a school trip! Eeeeeeeeekk, I’m so excited – I am starting to get serious itchy feet about having been in the UK for so long (a whole 3 months and counting! haha).

Talking of itchy feet, I have also booked myself a place on one of STA Travel’s working visa talks next week – one step closer to sorting next year out! I decided to get my act together after this post here…

On a less positive note, I think I’m coming down with something 😦 All the kids at school seem to have a virus, and my throat is starting to hurt and I am feeling heavy all over! And just in time for my weekend off too….wonderful!

Ps – Happy World Book Day!

Ten For Tuesday

26 Feb

1. I’m going on a school trip to Paris! Woooo, 3 weeks tomorrow baby!

2. Just finished reading Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. Fantastic book – hopefully I’ll get a review up soon 🙂

3. I’ve been in a bit of a blogging rut lately. Anyone else ever get that? Inspiration, where are you?!!

4. It’s my TEFL course tomorrow. We had a week off last week for half term and I missed it, that’s got to be a good sign right?!

5. I’ve been trying to update my CV for the last few days and it’s a nightmare 😦 Somebody just give me a job already!

6. It’s Mother Hen’s birthday tomorrow so we’re going out for a nom-tastic dinner. I’m excited just thinking about it!

7. Talking of food, I’m trying to detox a little this week. More water, less tea, more vegetables, less half a loaf of white bread for breakfast. You get the idea!

8. I know I’m massively behind the times but I have just started watching 90210 and am hopelessly addicted. Ethan? Yes please.

9. I’ve found the latest flaw to my budgeting plans…I know my card details by heart. Yes, including the 16 digit number, and what?!

10. Off to spend my free houw indulging my imagination in some travel magazines…. 🙂

What’s going on on your Tuesday?

And Happy Maisie’s Birthday To You Too!

14 Feb

I can’t believe that it’s Thursday already! Seriously, where has this week gone? And why do holidays always go a million times faster than working weeks?!

Happy Valentine’s Day my loves! Here, we are more focussed on our very own birthday girl…

Maisie Birthday

I’m having a wonderful day too. I’ve had my hair done this morning, and spent the afternoon at the theatre with Mother Hen watching Proppeller and their touring performance of Twelth Night, which was fantastic, if a little difficult to keep up with!

How are you spending your day?



11 Feb

Wow, I didn’t mean to half abandon you for a week, sorry about that, but it’s been hectic (as always!)

Reading: Someone Else’s Life by Katie Dale. It’s pretty good, very easy reading, but I need to up my game this week as am falling massively behind on my reading goals for the year already! Also, itching to get my hands on a copy of The Scorch Trials (follow up to The Maze Runner)

Listening to: A lot of McFly, and I’m not even embarassed about it! I guess that’s what happens when you live in a boarding house full of teenage girls! I do need some new music to check out though – suggestions please!

Watching: As I was so busy last week, I have A LOT of saved tv backed up to keep me occupied this week, including Waterloo Road, Junior Doctors, Stella… I am also loving The New Normal. Does anybody else find that shows with 20minutes episodes are particularly dangerous for time wasting, because you always think that you can fit one more in?!! Yep, me too.

Feeling: Happy! I ca’t really put my finger on why exactly, but I am content as a content person can be at the moment 🙂

Eating: Nothing at this very moment, but very excited about pancake day tomorrow!!

Missing: My friends from school, already. Oh, and my little brother, it’s been a while since we chatted.


Appreciating: Having a week off work! I know I’ve only been at school for 5 weeks, but I am seriousy exhausted! Bring on the lie ins and play dates!

Spending my time doing: Planning for my first observed teaching practice on Wednesdya (for my TEFL course). Oh so very nervous!!!

Excited about: So much to look forward to at the moment! Lots o time catching up with friends this week, pancake day tomorrow (!!!) and my birthday in the not so distant future 🙂

How about you? What’s currently happening?

Happy Monday!



19 Jan

Wow, it’s Saturday again already? This week has flown by!

I have lots that I want to say but don’t really know where to begin…

Firstly, I am run down. Oh so very run down! I think I’ve just been buring the candle at both ends a little too much this week and not sleeping anywhere near enough, but I feel like I have been run over and just got up and carried on with life (being the trooper that I am 😉 )

As I mentioned earlier this week, I started my TEFL course on Wednesday. It was exciting, and very interesting, but I am already snowed under with very difficult homework. Before I arrived at the language school on Wednesday i was nervous about making friends 9priorities!) but now it is starting to sink in just how hard this is going to be and how much of my time it is going to require. I know it will all be worth it in the end, I just need to find that balance, and quickly!

So between the course and working full time and all the travelling back and forth between school and home, I haven’t slept anywhere near as much as I needed to this week! I have been trying to keep up with the exercise though – it is difficult to remind myself that a game of badminton will give me just as much energy as a 45 minute nap, but I have been doing my best to squeeze something in.

I am also way ahead of my goals for this month and have already completed 2 books! (Check out my Goodreads profile here).

Finally, how exciting is this – I am off to the Harry Potter studio tour in London tomorrow on a school trip!! It’s going to be a loooooong day and I should probably be spending it catching up on sleep and learning some grammar, but there’s no way I was going to turn down such an awesome opportunity! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeekk, excited!

How’s your week been? Managed to squeeze in your workouts or reach any goals?

Have a fantastic weekend ❤