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29 Oct

Good Morning World!

To be honest I feel like a bit of a loser that I am so excited about getting back to school today after the holidays – but I’ll just take it as a good sign that I am enjoying my job so much?!

First though, lunch with one of my bestest friends 🙂

Beth and her family live in the village that I have just moved away from. We went to school together for 12 years, we travelled Europe together a few years ago, she has been to visit me at university, and even recently dropped in to see me in Taunton. Don’t you just love best friends?!

So yeah, lunch…and then back to T-town for fireworks and The Wurzels!

How are you spending your Saturday?


ps – I lost 1.5lbs at weigh in this week  – wooooooop!

Monday Musings.

24 Oct

How was your weekend my lovelies? I hope you had lots of R&R time like me – I finally feel like I’ve caught up on all the sleep that I missed out on over the last month at school!

Just a few little updates for you today…

I still haven’t finished my pgce application, and quite frankly it is stressing me right out! I am having a nightmare getting the information I need about GCSE exam boards (the lady that I spoke too kept telling me how important it was to keep my certificates safe – she’s clearly never moved house!)

If you’ve been reading threetimesf for a long time you’ll know that before I started my job in Taunton, I used to attend a Slimming World group. Well, last week I went back for the fist time in 2 months to get weighed. To say I was dreading it would be an understatement – I have been eating, drinking and not running for the last half term, but I have only gained 1lb! Can I get a woop woop?! We’ve also made a little pact at school to hit the gym and healthy eating hard after the holidays, so hopefully I will soon be back on track.

I have a date to go and see fieworks and The Wurzels on Saturday night – how insane is that?!!

I am currently reading James Corden’s autobiography ‘May I have your attention please?’ – that man is hilarious. I highly recommend it.

Have a good day – don’t forget to be awesome!


ps – this is my 200th post – Craziness! Thanks for reading guys 🙂

Living The Not So Balanced Weigh.

27 Aug

When I first started blogging, it was mainly a way to keep track of my weight loss and share some support with readers. Obviously it’s now becoming way more than that, but weight loss is still a challenge for me.

I believe 100% in the Slimming World plan – I know it won’t work for everyone, but it works for me 🙂 Check out my story here.

Despite the fact that I know it works, and I desperately don’t want to get fat again, I have been struggling to stick to the plan lately. I gained 2.5lbs at weigh in this week – not as bad as it seems considering I haven’t been to group for about a month due to work etc, but still – it’s a sign that I need to get a grip on my diet again.

I had a scary realisation last night. I was watching a dvd with the fam in the evening and I popped in to the kitchen to make a drink. I also had 2 chocolate cookies – in the kitchen. on my own. in secret. It’s actions like these that made me overweight in the first place – my family could never understand how I gained so much weight when we were eating practically the same?

I’m terrified. I’m glad that I’m in a position where I was able to recognise what was happening (before I gained 7lbs!), but it’s still scary.

I have a big weekend planned with friends visiting, but as soon as I return to school on Tuesday I need to get back on the healthy living bandwagon. I hope that by declaring it to all you 3xf-ers, I’ll stick to my plans.

Do you have any bad habits like my secret eating that may have sabotaged your efforts in the first place? What do you do when you slip off the healthy path?


8 Aug

WordPress is still playing up – boooo 😦

Tonight is a good night. I finished my duty at 9pm, so it is 9.48pm and I am already in bed 😀 Haven’t been sleeping too well lately so I am determined to get in a good 8 hours tonight!

Tomorrow is my day off and I have big plans! Hopefully my wonderful Godfather is coming to visit to take me out for lunch, then I am off to Cardiff to visit the girls for the evening – Hello vino and Nandos!

I tell you what, I will be glad to get some ‘normal’ (ie, non school) food inside me! Schools meals are generally okay, but there are a lot (and I mean a lot!) or carbs! I feel bloated a lot of the time.

I didn’t post about it, but when I went to weigh in last week I had managed to stay the same even though I weighed in wearing my jeans. I think the increased activity levels definitely help, but it doesn’t stop me feeling a little podgy!

So yeah, the plan for my time off is to get some food with at least a little nutritional value in to my system!

I have thoroughly enjoyed today, but am very much looking forward to bedtime!

Goodnight everyone!

Back To Weigh-In.

4 Aug

Good afternoon my lovelies!

How are you all? It’s my day off today so I’m relaxing back at home with Mummy 🙂

I am going to take the plunge and face weigh-in this afternoon – it has been a few weeks and I have been eating a lot! I’m hoping that the increase in exercise will have counteracted my little ice cream habit!

Then, off for drinks with the girls 😀

What are your plans for the evening?
