Archive | February, 2013

Ten For Tuesday

26 Feb

1. I’m going on a school trip to Paris! Woooo, 3 weeks tomorrow baby!

2. Just finished reading Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. Fantastic book – hopefully I’ll get a review up soon 🙂

3. I’ve been in a bit of a blogging rut lately. Anyone else ever get that? Inspiration, where are you?!!

4. It’s my TEFL course tomorrow. We had a week off last week for half term and I missed it, that’s got to be a good sign right?!

5. I’ve been trying to update my CV for the last few days and it’s a nightmare 😦 Somebody just give me a job already!

6. It’s Mother Hen’s birthday tomorrow so we’re going out for a nom-tastic dinner. I’m excited just thinking about it!

7. Talking of food, I’m trying to detox a little this week. More water, less tea, more vegetables, less half a loaf of white bread for breakfast. You get the idea!

8. I know I’m massively behind the times but I have just started watching 90210 and am hopelessly addicted. Ethan? Yes please.

9. I’ve found the latest flaw to my budgeting plans…I know my card details by heart. Yes, including the 16 digit number, and what?!

10. Off to spend my free houw indulging my imagination in some travel magazines…. 🙂

What’s going on on your Tuesday?

Birthday Fun

25 Feb

It was my birthday this week. Unfortunately I didn’t really get my act together enough to take many pictures, but I did have a lovely day.

I was spoilt by the girls at school – cards, CDs, flowers, chocolate, the works! I wasn’t really feeling in the birthday mood, but they soon cheered me up.

I didn’t really do much to celebrate, but my 3 friends and I went out to a cute country pub for lunch.

London & End of term xmas 2012 222

A chilled out day was exactly what I needed. Here’s to another big year!

Thought For Friday.

22 Feb



Happy Friday!

Some Goals Talk.

21 Feb

I haven’t really talked much about my goals on here lately (too busy!) so here’s a little update… After all…

Goals that are not written down


When I was at university, I used to be really good at drawing a budgeted amount of cash out on a Monday and dealing in that, so that when I started paying for things on my card again, I know that I’d spent too much money. I decided to give this a try again, and although I’m still trying to work out exactly how much is a reasonably weekly amount for my current lifestyle, it has at least made me a lot more aware of my spending habits.

My Goodreads account tells me that I am currently 4 books behind schedule to hit my reading goals for this year, so I need to up my game on that one. I am going to try and set aside 30minutes a day for the next few weeks to read to try and get back in to the habit. After all, I have a ‘to-read’ list a mile long that needs tackling sooner or later!

Finally, I need to start exercising again. Seriously, I am starting to feel the podge and it is seriously uncool!

Which goals are you working on at the mo?



19 Feb

All I really want in life


Sometimes The Only Way Is Jumping, I Hope You’re Not Afraid Of Heights…

18 Feb

I’m having a bit of a life freak out. In fact, I think it’s been brewing for a while now. I just feel a little bit stuck in a rut. (Normally when this happens, I get a haircut – the chat with my hairdresser and a new look normally sorts me out, but this time it hasn’t even come close!)

Panic and freak out


I’m worried about the future, more specifically the next academic year. I am becomng so much better at completing goals and ticking things off my life bucket list, but I’m concerned that I am going to reach September and be unemployed with no money and no idea about where my life is going.

I know what I enjoy and I know where I want to be, I just don’t seem to be able to work out quite how to get there.

I want to spend some time travelling to new places, meeting people and seeing things that are more amazing than I ever could have imagined and really pushing myself to the limit. I want to learn some new things and teach people at the same time.



I feel like I am making sensible choices in working hard for my TEFL course and trying to save some money, but it’s just difficult to see how these things are going to materialise in to the adventures that I want. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m scared, terrified in fact!

I can’t help but think that the choice to apply for jobs and move to a country that I may never have visited is stupid, but I can’t exactly afford to just pop off to these places for a few days first! I’m scared to go without a friend, scared that the whole experience may not be what I expect and want it to be, but I know that if I stayed in the UK I would regret it forever.

I need to put myself out there. Now is the time, I will be turning 24 this week. I have no ties, a fair amount of savings and a lot of supportive friends and family. I just need to bring myself to take the first steps…

#70. Teach A Class.

16 Feb

Those of you who are regular visitors to TTF will know that I’ve recently started a TEFL course, and last week I taught my first proper class!

I was extremely nervous, but had put in hours of planning and preparation, and I was actually pretty pleased with how it went.

It was only a small class (8 students plus my observing tutor and peers) but still extremely nerve wracking! The feedback from my tutor was good, but still leaves lots of improvement for next time. Bring it on!

Thought For Friday.

15 Feb



Happy Friday!

And Happy Maisie’s Birthday To You Too!

14 Feb

I can’t believe that it’s Thursday already! Seriously, where has this week gone? And why do holidays always go a million times faster than working weeks?!

Happy Valentine’s Day my loves! Here, we are more focussed on our very own birthday girl…

Maisie Birthday

I’m having a wonderful day too. I’ve had my hair done this morning, and spent the afternoon at the theatre with Mother Hen watching Proppeller and their touring performance of Twelth Night, which was fantastic, if a little difficult to keep up with!

How are you spending your day?



11 Feb

Wow, I didn’t mean to half abandon you for a week, sorry about that, but it’s been hectic (as always!)

Reading: Someone Else’s Life by Katie Dale. It’s pretty good, very easy reading, but I need to up my game this week as am falling massively behind on my reading goals for the year already! Also, itching to get my hands on a copy of The Scorch Trials (follow up to The Maze Runner)

Listening to: A lot of McFly, and I’m not even embarassed about it! I guess that’s what happens when you live in a boarding house full of teenage girls! I do need some new music to check out though – suggestions please!

Watching: As I was so busy last week, I have A LOT of saved tv backed up to keep me occupied this week, including Waterloo Road, Junior Doctors, Stella… I am also loving The New Normal. Does anybody else find that shows with 20minutes episodes are particularly dangerous for time wasting, because you always think that you can fit one more in?!! Yep, me too.

Feeling: Happy! I ca’t really put my finger on why exactly, but I am content as a content person can be at the moment 🙂

Eating: Nothing at this very moment, but very excited about pancake day tomorrow!!

Missing: My friends from school, already. Oh, and my little brother, it’s been a while since we chatted.


Appreciating: Having a week off work! I know I’ve only been at school for 5 weeks, but I am seriousy exhausted! Bring on the lie ins and play dates!

Spending my time doing: Planning for my first observed teaching practice on Wednesdya (for my TEFL course). Oh so very nervous!!!

Excited about: So much to look forward to at the moment! Lots o time catching up with friends this week, pancake day tomorrow (!!!) and my birthday in the not so distant future 🙂

How about you? What’s currently happening?

Happy Monday!
