Archive | May, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 5!

31 May

A picture of your favourite memory!

I’m not totally sure of my favourite ever memory, but this is definitely up there.

This is a photo of my course friends and I on the night that we finished our last ever university exam.

Man, I love and miss these guys!

Super Size Ambulance.

30 May

If you haven’t yet had a chance to watch this, check it out here.

If ever there was some motivation to get out the door and go for a run, this was it for me.

The show documents the day-to-day working life of some paramedics within the Thames Ambulance service. Call me naive, but it had never crossed my mind until I saw this show that some patients would be physically too large to use a ‘regular’ ambulance.

New equipment has been designed to support the needs of overweight passengers – in some cases up to 61 stones!

Despite the use of some upsetting and disturbing scenes, I thought the show was very well put together, and it gave a true insight in to some morbidly obese lives.

It really hit home with me.

There were a few different reasons for this. For example, some of the living conditions were horrendous, merely due to the fact that the individuals in question could not move around enough to cook for themselves, go to the toilet or clean up after themselves.

The list of medical conditions that they suffered as a secondary effect of their weight, was also mind blowing.

I understand that in some cases, due to medical reasons the weight gain cannot be helped, but I am determined to do everything that I can to stop myself ever reaching the stage where I cannot walk up a flight of stairs due to the pain of my bones rubbing together in my knees, or where simple everyday tasks such as going to the toilet and making breakfast become a constant struggle.

All in all, a very well made show, which I highly recommend.

Hockey & Hangovers.

30 May

Good Morning!

I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting all you lovely people for a few days – have been busy living the dream!

This weekend I’ve been away visiting my university friends – I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I graduated?!

The weekend of fun began on Friday afternoon with a trip to the hairdressers 🙂 Photos to follow –  It’s a little shorter than usual, I can’t get used to it!

On Saturday we played hockey – Current players mixed vs Old Boys & Girls. There were a load of old faces – it was lovely.

Then the fun really began – bbq and beer. What can I say? It got messy!

Due to the severe lack of sleep, and if I’m honest, quite heavy hangover, we spent yesterday just chilling out. Then came the looooonng drive home (it’s actually only about 3 hours, but when you’re tired and just want to be at home in front of some trashy tv these things take ages!)

What did you get up to this weekend?

Unfortunately I read today that Tom Daley’s father has lost his battle with cancer. I remember watching a documentary a while ago and thinking ‘wow I hope he survives long enough to see his son perform at London 2012’. 😦

My thoughts go out to Tom and his family – you can donate to his father’s chosen charities here.

Just scoffed some cake down for breakfast – and now off for a day of bank holiday househunting!

Have a good day!


30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 4!

29 May

A photo of your night.

This was the beginning of my evening last night.

Love these girls!

Best Week Ever?!

27 May

This week is shaping up to be a pretty good one!

Started off casually seeing The Monkees on Monday night…

I kicked ass in my second interview here yesterday, and was offered a job for next academic year. My first proper, grown-up, you need a degree to do this kind of job! WOOHOOOOOOOO!

At weigh in this week I lost 3lbs! Apparantly all that running is paying off – Go C25K!!

And to top it all off, Friday is finally here and I’m off to the Welshlands to see some of my favourite people for the weekend!

Getting my haircut this afternoon too, which is one of my favourite pastimes!

Before all the fun can begin though….a long morning at work…

How has your week been?


30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 3!

26 May

A picture of the cast from your favourite show.


How I Met Your Mother.

I love it. Seriously, I wish that my life were like that. Sometimes when I’m running that’s what I daydream about!

When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story.’

Breaking Comfort Zones: Part 2!

26 May

See Breaking Comfort Zones: Part 1 here.

When I was a little girl, my Grandad had a greenhouse at the bottom of his garden where he grew tomatoes and lots of other fruit and vegetables. One day I had a ‘bad’ tomato and have hated them ever since! There are other foods that I don’t like, but nothing else comes close to this fruit/vegetable hybrid! I’ll eat chopped ones cooked in things, but ketchup, or tomatoes in salads are a big no no in my eyes!

A few weeks ago before a night at the theatre, I had dinner at Pizza Express with my mother and some friends, where I shared some Brushchetta covered in raw, diced tomatoes with my Mum. No complaints, I juts gobbled it all up – and survived to tell the tale! I wouldn’t say they were a new favourite, but Comfort Zone #2 = Broken!

Comfort Zone #3 is one that I am currently working on – I think that everyone is staring at me when I go running! Now, obviously, this is not true! And I go anyway because I am sort of enjoying C25K (never thought I’d say..or in this case, write!..that!), but I am definitely not comfortable going running yet. For example, I always go alone (well, occasionally I allow Maisie to see me as the red, sweaty mess that even light jogging causes me to become!) despite the fact that my mother, brother and a handful of my friends run.

I know that I will overcome this because I have experienced it before, notably the first time I attended a Jazzercise class, but it will take time.

Are there any comfort zones that you have successfully broken? Or would like to? I’d love to hear your stories!


C25K 3(1).

25 May

I finally got this week’s first run in.

I was worried (again!) about the skip up in running time, but seemed to manage okay despite still not really being able to breathe that well due to the whole being ill for a few days rubbish!

Feeling a little bit proud of myself! 😉

Time to re-fuel with A LOT of pasta now!

Breaking Comfort Zones: Part 1!

25 May

I used to work at a successful marketing company carrying out door-to-door sales, and ‘break your comfort zone’ was everyone’s favourite phrase…except mine! Gradually, however, I started to try new things that made me feel very anxious to start with (there were a lot of tears!), and noticed the vast effects these actions were having on my confidence – it felt amazing!

Unfortunately though, this and the people were the only amazing things about that job.

I soon moved on to something else. I was fortunate enough to realise the things that I had learnt and take them with me.

New challenges and the oppurtunity to break a comfort zone arise regularly in all aspects of life. Work, food and fitness are just 3 examples.

Take work, for instance. Lately, I have had to make a lot of SCARY phonecalls at work! It took me a while to form a strategy, and realise that the worst thing that could happen would be for either the person at the other end of the phone  to yell and/or hang up on me, or I would clam up, make my excuses and swiftly end the call. However, it took a fair few nervous breakdowns to realise this and just get on with the task in hand.

Comfort zone #1 broken!

Making calls at the office is slightly different to trying a new food or getting off my behind and going for a run, because it’s a new part of my job and I have to do it.

This doesn’t mean it’s any easier though!

Comfort Zones 2&3 coming soon!

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 2.

24 May

A picture of you and the person that you have been closest with for the longest.

This is a tough one.

I’m not 100% sure who I have been closest too for the longest, but my friend Romin & I have been close for a pretty long time. 11 years to be precise.

We’ve lived in different cities, different countries even!, sometimes spent weeks without speaking, but nothing ever changes. And now we get to have Feet Up Friday Lunch every week, and that’s just fabulous!