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10th May.

10 May

10th May 2010. The final exam of my final year at university. And an AMAZING night out (what I can remember of it, anyway!)

I miss these guys so so so much!

A Letter To My 20 Year Old Self.

13 Sep

Dear 20 year old Sophie,

It’s your second year at university and you are having the time of your life – seriously, you should be appreciating it more.

Your social life is jam packed, but we both know that you should be studying a little more. The party will always be there, but when you graduate with a 2.2 you will wish that you’d stayed in a little more often and read a little more. Don’t panic about the future though – it takes a while but everything turns out okay.

Know that you have the best friends in the world – and you will miss living so close to them more than you ever thought was possible. Take advantage of all the tea breaks, cuddles and hungover breakfasts – that is the stuff that dreams are made of!

Don’t stress about boys – this paranoia you have that all your friends are prettier than you is just that – paranoia. You really should just tell the one that got away that you like him, seriously. He would tell you that he felt the same, but I know you’re scared. Just enjoy having fun for the time being.

Oh, and remember to write to Grandma (and not only because she always sends you beer money). She won’t be around for ever.

With love,

22 year old Sophie x

I Love My BFF!

24 Aug


I’m having a bit of a sort my life out (read: sort threetimesf out) day today!

I know a Wednesday post is sort of going against the new ‘schedule‘, but I miss talking to you guys. I could easily have posted daily this week, but I don’t want to get your hopes up for when I get back to work next week. I will try to post every other day or about 4 times a week though 🙂

I’ve had a great few days – the BFF came to visit!

Lois was my housemate at uni, and is one of the most beautiful people I know. You know how some people are just bright and funny and light up a room? She’s one of those 🙂 Wow, I miss living with her.

We have only spent about 2 hours together since we graduated last July, so we had a lot of catching up to do!

(Check out our colour co-ordination that even matches the pub sign and landrover!)

It was a wonderful few days of eating and drinking and chatting!

Ooooh, and we went out for dinner last night (Hello lamb and rosemary burger!) and the sky was fabulous!


I can’t believe I’m in to the last week of my holiday already 😦 I’m excited about getting back to work, but I can’t deny that I’m loving sitting around in my pjs until 3pm (note, today is the first day I’ve done this!)

What has been going on in your world?


ps – I read this post this morning on Girl Meets Life. I love it – not really sure why but I think it speaks volumes about self-esteem. Enjoy!

Hockey Tour Tales.

19 Jul

It’s been mentioned a few times on here that I used to be quite the social drinker up until I graduated university last year.

I hardly drink at all anymore, except for special occasions, and weekends such as this one…

Hello Hockey Tour!

There was hockey…

There was alcohol…There was A LOT of rain…


A great weekend though. Yes, I had a lot too much to drink on Saturday night, and camping in a thunder storm for 2 nights isn’t my idea of bliss, but it was nice to catch up with old friends again, and get a bit of hockey in.

I’m kind of kidding myself that I got in some pretty good workouts over the last few days – a) this is a lie, and b) even if I had they would definitely have been counteracted by the amount of alcohol that was consumed.

I’m determined to fit at least some exercise in to my hectic schedule this week though.

How was your weekend?

I’m finding it pretty hard to believe that tomorrow is my last day in the office, and on Saturday I start my new job.

I stocked up on some wine and cards for my boss today – I never thought I’d be this sad to leave 😦


The One That Got Away.

16 Jun

Well lovely readers, I have something a little different for you today. As promised at the beginning of the week, it’s time to tell the tale of the one that got away.

(I love documenting my food and exercise and healthy living goals, but the blogs that I love to read also tell stories and a little insight in to the blogger, so this is what this is! I want us to be friends see?!)

We all have that one person (well, in my case there are 2..but I’m only going to disuss one today), and in my case his name was (well is, but the story seems to call for past tense!) Dan.

We met at the beginning of university through a mutual friend, and were on the same course taking many of the same lectures. Now, my friends and I all played a particular role within our group – I was the good friend – always there to offer a hand, a shoulder to cry on or some moral support. Dan was the joker, ‘Jack the lad’ if you will – his life revolved around football, beer, having a laugh with the boys and oggling Molly from The Saturdays.


I guess ours is a typical student story of unrequited love – I liked him, then he liked me, then I liked him again – this viscious circle continued for about 18 months before anything was said!

As soon as dissertations were written, it seemed to dawn on us – the bittersweet realisation that we only had a few weeks left together. The dvd nights, junk food extravaganzas and homemade cocktails were about to come to an end.

Over that last month, I savoured every last minute I spent with my friends, Dan especially. We managed a few stolen kisses and cuddles, and then before I knew it it was time for it all to end.

Somewhere between a lot of drunkeness, afternoons of sunbathing and late night study buddy dates, I fell for that boy. I fell for him bad, and my biggest regret is that I never revealed to him the true extent of my feelings.

Now he has a girlfriend and I may never get my chance again.

So here’s my advice to you – Have the courgae to tell those that you love the truth!

The worst thing that could happen is that they could tell you that they don’t feel the same – and take my word for it, that can’t be any worse than not knowing what could have been.

Tell me your stories of ‘the one that got away’ – you must have one!


My Motivation For Starting.

14 Jun

I often come across posts on other blogs about the blogger’s motivation to start, and more importantly carry on with, their weight loss journeys.

Some people have a seperate motivation & goals page whilst others list reasons on their ‘About Me’ page.

When I first started blogging, I posted a quick story explaining how I got to where I am today and what I am doing about it, but I never thoroughly listed my reasons to lose weight so here goes! (Deep breath in!)

* I’m sick of being the fat friend. Especially at Univeristy, I lived with 2 other beautiful, slim girls.

We had a blast living together, but a) they always received all the male attention, and b) I always felt slightly inferior to them. Now generally, I am a pretty confident person, and I know that male attention isn’t everything – but it’d be nice to get some every now and then, you know?!

* Bikini season is looming! Getting naked on the beach is difficult enough without  worrying about the extra pounds that I am currently carrying!

* I want to be fitter! My friends an I run (no pun intended!) in circles where we lead very active lives and spend a lot of ‘outdoor time’ together! I want to be able to get fully involved in grown up play time! In addition to this, I dream of running a half marathon (maybe even a full one :O ), but seriously think that if I attempted even running 5k at this point in time I may die?!

* Finally, I love the extra energythat exercising and fuelling my body with the right foods provides me with, and I don’t ever ever want to lose that!

So there you have it!

Sometimes I lose sight of these long-term goals (normally when I gain sight of a chocolate cake!) but they are always there, deep down.

What motivates you to eat right and exercise? How did you get started?


Proud Sister!

10 Jun

So it’s no secret on my blog that I used to be quite the social drinker when I was at university.

I just had a text from my little brother.

‘4 pints…5 minutes…advice? x’

Very proud.