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Back On The Bandwagon.

14 Sep

Back to the gym today. 20 mins on the bike, 10 mins on cross trainer, and 20 mins on the dreadmill. Throw in a few stretches and I’m feeling pretty well worked out! It’s been a while so I’m just hoping that I’ll still be feeling good tomorrow!

Life is good – school is busy but not too busy. I am getting my head down in a few projects, and getting to know a few of the kids much better. It surprises me that I can have a ‘real’ conversation with a 16 year old. I know it probably shouldn’t but I just haven’t been around anyone that age for such a long time…

My Mum and Bro are all safely moved in to the new place and are settling in well. Apparantly Maisie is even starting to come round to life as a city dog! They are coming to visit me on Sunday which is exciting – it’s only been a few weeks but I miss those guys!

Now I have a night of bloglovin’ and email catch up planned 😀

What good things are going on in your life right now? Did you get a workout in today?


BlogLovin’, Prezzos & Pre-Term Nerves.

4 Sep

Ladies and Gentlemen – we have a breakthrough! I have finally worked my way through the 56blog entries saved up on my bloglovin’ account! Craziness, but lovely that I feel up-to-date with your lives again!

Before I returned to Taunton last week I went out for a meal with Mother and Brother, and forgot to share the photoes with you. We went to Prezzos – the food was average and service was actually pretty poor, but thankfully there were some good views and great company. I won’t be going back for a while though…

Me and the little bro 🙂

And Mother!

Unfortunately I had to snap this through the window before the sun disappeared, but sunset was pretty spectacular…

…as was the sky afterwards…

The students arrive tomorrow, and although I sort of know what to expect, i must admit I am feeling rather nervous. I have just been organising my new diary, and the schedule is jampacked! Aaaaahhh!

The big house move is also planned to happen this Friday, so that is constantly buzzing around the back of my mind!


Aaaaaaahh, I’ve just realised that I totally forgot about Thought For Friday this week! Maybe we’ll have Thought For Monday instead…. :/ oops!

The One Where I Pour My Heart Out.

31 Aug

Didn’t you just love how all ‘Friends’ episodes were called ‘the one that…’. I always used to chuckle because it was so true – everyone says that! ‘Oh, you know, it’s the one where…’. Now if only threetimesf could become as popular and famous as Jennifer Aniston, and we’d be rockin’!

Anyway, enough of the chat – I’m freaking out a little! (Btw, if you’re sick of all the house moving chat [I am!] Stop reading now…). I am sad and scared to be moving out of the house where I have lived for the past 18 years. There I said it.

I have been putting on a happy front because I know deep down that this decision is not about me – I don’t really live there anymore, and as long as my Mum is happy and feels at home then that’s all that matters. I know that there are definitely pros to moving in to the city, but I am struggling to remember them at the moment.

All my childhood memories are here. My friends are here. My Dad lived in this house. I snuck boys in to this house. I had secret teenage parties in this house. I’ve loved, I’ve celebrated and I’ve cried in this house.

I know that moving to the city is a new and exciting adventure, and I will make new friends (not that I’m moving miles away – I can come back to Clearbrook whenever I like!) and I will create new memories, but still – it’s sad and I’m freaking out.

Reassure me a little, will you?!


Back To School!

30 Aug

So incase you haven’t guessed, this whole schedule posting thing has sort of gone out the window while I’ve been on holiday?! Well, I hope to keep up the regular posting, but am going to aim for 4-5 times a week at the moment. I am sure we will find a routine eventually!

I am up early today to head back to Taunton. School starts next week and we have a week of induction starting this afternoon. I only started my new job a few weeks ago, and feel like the summer school was a bit of a dream. It all gets serious as of today!

I’m pretty excited, so in keeping with the theme I thought I’d share with you some stuff that I am loving at the moment.

* I have discovered some pretty cool new blogs to read lately. As you know, my favourites are listed on my Blogroll page, and I have also just started using Bloglovin’! It’s a really easy way to keep track of what you have read in one place. Click on the button to the right to follow threetimesf and get started!

* Yes, packing and moving is a nightmare. I’ve been telling you every day (sorry about that) but finding old photos and letters and diaries is kinda cool. Check these bad boys out…

(Yes, I know, I was a seriously cute kid!)

And I have some old school diary inspired posts coming soon!

* I may have mentioned before that I love the tv show The Biggest Loser. Since being on holiday and suffering the rubbish weather (seriously, UK ‘Summers’ suck!) I have been watching some old re-runs, and Bob Harper is HOT!!!

Look at the body! I know, pretty face too, but seriously – those abs?!?!

* I recently updated my Blackberry to have all the BB services – I am pretty addicted to BBM-ing my BFF already, but more importantly I can tweet when out and about now! I can’t believe it took me this long to get on board – I have not been taking full advantage of the crackberry!

* Ooooh, and as a final shout out to you guys, I have noticed a vast increase in followers and comments appearing on threetimesf, so THANK YOU so so much. Words can’t express how much I appreciate you guys 🙂 🙂 🙂

Anyway – I will have to leave it there (Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work I go!) After breakfast that is…must squeeze in as much fruit (and PB, because frankly, breakfast sucks without it!) as I can before I am forced to live off school dinners again…

What are you loving at the moment?

Have a good day, and remember to be awesome.


Friend Fun & Hungover Packing.

29 Aug

Happy Monday Lovelies!

How was your weekend? Nice & relaxing I hope – if not, you still have a day left, so don’t stress! Oooh, and I hope all my stateside readers managed to stay out of Irene’s path – please do share your stories.

I had a lovely weekend – enjoying my last few days of unhealthiness and school holiday.

The healthy food plan isn’t exactly back on track yet… (Btw, Thank you so much for all your encouraging comments on my last post! I love blogger support!)

But in my defence I was a little hungover… (read: dying.)

Anyway, back to the weekend. My friend from uni, Lou, came to visit (It has been a good week for friend visits – first BFF Lois and now Lou!) As you’ll know if you’re a regular reader I am in the middle of the packing-house-moving-nightmare, so Lou stayed with another of our friends, but we did manage to catch up for a night out on Saturday.

We may have had a little too much to drink…

But there was a lot of dancing, and it was nice to see my favourite girls and let my hair down (as it were – my hair hardly even touches my neck these days!)

However, yesterday I wasn’t feeling too hot! A 3.30am bed time was not exactly what I had in mind – I am getting too old for that! (As a sidenote – I came home and tweeted about my excitement for the leftover curry I found in the kitchen. Apparantly the rice/naan had been set aside for Maisie’s breakfast – Drunken Sophie had other ideas!)

Sunday was dedicated to some more packing. It was a nightmare, but I am finally making some progress – which is good because I need to be finished today! Tomorrow I am back at school for a week of induction – can you believe how fast my 2weeks holiday has gone?! Me neither 😦

What are you ‘too old’ to do now?


Packing 18 Years In To Boxes.

25 Aug

I was lying in bed last night thinking about how threetimesf needed a house moving update!

You may remember that a while back we found a house, and then we lost a house. Our house (My Mum’s house) was sold, and so we needed to find somewhere else.

Fast forward 6 weeks, and we have found somewhere new. It’s lovely, but life is moving quite quickly and we are hoping to exchange contracts at the end of the month.

All of this only leads down to one thing….packing. I hate packing. The thought of packing the last 18 years of my life in to boxes stresses me out! 😦

It’s sort of fun though – I am taking a huge trip down memory lane!

Old diaries are my favourite discovery so far! Accounts of my first kiss, and my Mum’s approving comments about a boy doing the washing up when he stayed over one night are highlights so far! (I was a cool kid – everything was documented in at least 1 diary!)

I have a few posts scheduled over the coming weeks sharing some of this juicy information (!!) but for now….

Packing, packing and you guessed it, more packing!

(NB: My packing is nowhere near this tidy…source)

Did you keep teenage diaries? How embarassing are they to look back on?!


ps – I just added the ‘bloglovin’ button on the right – follow away my lovelies 🙂


15 Jul

Hello lovely people!

I hope you’ve all had a great week 🙂 Done anything interesting? Tell me all about it!

Just a few updates from me this morning…

As you’ll know if you are a regular threetimesf-er, Thursday is the big weigh in day. I lost 1lb last week! Not bad considering the weekend that I had. Next week will be the last weigh in before I leave for Taunton and my new job, and I have 3.5lbs to go to my target weight so time to buckle down – veggies and exercise galore for me this week (after my weekend away that is…!)

I also realised I haven’t posted about the moving house situation for a while. You may remember a few weeks ago that we found ‘the perfect house’ – great location, a nice garden for Maisie, very well decorated, and ticked almost all of our boxes – and put in an offer.

Well, we’ve had to pull out. Well, we didn’t have to, but we have decided to. When the survey was carried out, it became apparant that there was a problem with the roof. Nobody could give us a direct answer to what exactly was wrong, or how much ££ and how difficult it would be to get repaired. We didn’t want to get involved in that 😦

So as it stands, our house is under offer and subject to contract. Looks like we will be moving in 6-8 weeks, but at the moment we have nowhere to go. To say that I am just a little stressed would be a major understatement at this stage! 😦

On a much happier note, I am going away for the weekend 🙂 Hockey Tour season is upon us – NWHC here I come!

(Note, this means I will be internet-less until Sunday, and probably half dead until next Wednesday (at least!) so please don’t expect too much!)

What are your plans for the weekend?

Finally, I am still looking for a few guests to write for me over the next few weeks. Check out the link here.

Have a good one 🙂



Head Clearing.

11 Jul

I’m feeling a bit lost today, not really sure why. After a fairly quiet morning at work, I came home and fuelled up with a Tuna Salad for lunch. I was tempted to make do with a few chocolate biscuits and a bottle of coke, but know that I need to try really hard to get back on track with my diet this week.

After lunch I took a 4.5 miles walk to clear my head. I’m not really sure exactly what was on my mind, but I felt like it needed clearing! All of this moving house, boy confusion and new job stuff is a lot to have going on in my small head you know!

I think Maisie was really glad though!

I’m feeling much better now 🙂

Coming up this week on threetimesf

* The return of the 30 Day Photo Challenge

* C25K week 6.

* How to drink your daily recommended amount of water every day!

Plus lots more fun 🙂 So do come back!

How has your day been?


Don’t forget, I’m still looking for a few Guest Posters for over the next few weeks – get involved!


27 Jun

Hello lovely people!

Urgh, it’s Monday again (they are coming around far too quickly as of late!) so I thought I’d share some things that I’m loving at the moment with you, to try and brighten the week up for us all!

So here goes…

* The weather!

* Reading updates on Ben’s Do Life tour. Seriously – check this guy out – so inspirational, and so great to see him motivating others to start doing life.

* Postsecret and Operation Beautiful. I love websites like this…can’t really explain why!

* Watching Wimbledon. Will 2011 be Andy Murray’s year?!

* All the plans I have with my lovely friends this week 🙂

* Mentally decorating my new room in our new house. I’m trying not to get too excited before we get the surveys done/deal is completed etc, but I can’t help it!

What are you loving at the moment?

Also, I’m thinking about ‘going public’ with my threetimesf. By this I mean, maybe post it on facebook or tweet about it, and tell my friends and family. My main reason for this is that I start my new job in a few weeks, and will be moving away from home, and I sort of want it to be a way to keep in touch etc. Did any of you keep your blog secret at the beginning? How long for? What were your reasons for ‘coming clean’?

Have a good week!


Come Dine With Me!

26 Jun

Last night I hosted my first ever dinner party!

It was a very relaxed affair, just with a few neighbours, but a big success!

Simple, but yummy, food!

Lamb Curry & Rice.

Mixed Berries for dessert.

Followed by some cheese (Extra Strong Welsh Cheddar – MMmmmm!)

Something I will definitely look forward to doing again 🙂

Feeling pretty fat and overindulged now though. I’ve eaten far too many of these today…

I haven’t worked out for about 5 days now either, which is not good at all! Need to sort my act out this week but I am really struggling for motivation…Please help me.

We went to look at ‘the perfect house’ again this morning too. Seriously, it’s too hard to stop myself mentally decorating my room. EXCITING!!!

How was your weekend?
