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Another Blustery Day & April Goals.

2 Apr

It has been so so windy here lately! We went out for a walk on the moors yesterday and were struggling to walk in a straight line at times!

Family Love

Mum shelter

Maisie even came face to face with her first pig – I’m not really sure she knew what to do with herself!

Miss Piggy

I’m also setting myself some goals for the month today – it’s difficult to estimate the constraints on my time for a month that is half holiday and half school time, but I know deep down that I should be making time for the things I want to achieve whatever other pressures there are in my life.

So, this month I want to….

*Blog more often – no more leaving weeks of nothingness!

* Read 4 books – Finish The Scorch Trials (I’ve only got about 80 pages left) and 4 more.

* Once my new pedometer arrives (hopefully later this week) walk at least 8,000 steps a day. I know that this isn’t loads but I don’t want to set myself up for an almost certain fail!

* Get back in to the swing of C25K – I’d like to be able to comfortably complete weeks 2&3 by the end of the week.

* Keep ticking items off my ‘TEFL’ to do list – I want to be on top of my workload by the time term starts again in 2 weeks time.

Do you have any goals this month?



March Goals Review

1 Apr

I did a terrible terrible job of hitting my goals this month 😦 It’s sad, but I really did. No excuses though, I just didn’t put in enough effort.

*I wanted to workout 12 times, which at 3 times a week I thought was more than reasonable – I went all out and made a chart to stick on my bedroom wall to remind me, and I managed to tick off a whole 3 boxes. 3 actual real workouts, seriously, no wonder I’m feeling chubby! I’ve had a lot of of dog walks and hours wandering around Paris on top of that, but I didn’t count them. In light of all this, I’ll be setting myself 2 exercise goals this month – time to get that bikini body!

* Read 4 books this month – I’m about 2/4 through my 3rd, and most of that has been during the last week! Again, pathetic!

* I wanted to feel an improvement in my TEFL teaching practice and stay on top of my assignments – this one I have more than achieved.

* Finally, I wanted to drink less tea and more water – Well, I’ve still been having a cuppa every morning, but other than that I generally tend to drink more water when I’m at home anyway…I’ll work onΒ  building it in to my school life.

How did you March goals go? Don’t forget to come back tomorrow and check out my aims for April.



Checking In & Some March Goals

2 Mar

Wow, I didn’t mean to abandon you for another few days, sorry about that! I am alive, it has just been another hectic week – lots of coursework, lots going on at school and Mummy Leach’s birthday. It’s been busy but great πŸ™‚

Now for some goals for the month…

* I have been slacking on the exercise front lately and am not very happy about it, so I’m going to aim to work out 12 times this month – I feel like 3 times a week is a realistic enough goal.

* I am also behind with my Goodreads goal for the year, so I’m hoping to read 4 books this month. I have an exciting variety from the library waiting in my room. As a sidenote, I love going to the library – anybody else?!

* I am doing well on my TEFL course, but would like it to carry on that way, so this month I hope to feel like I have improved during my next teaching practice and also not leave the 2 assignments that I have due until the last minute.

* Finally, I want to drink less tea and more water.

All sounds easy enough so hopefully I can smash them! What are your current goals?



Some Goals Talk.

21 Feb

I haven’t really talked much about my goals on here lately (too busy!) so here’s a little update… After all…

Goals that are not written down


When I was at university, I used to be really good at drawing a budgeted amount of cash out on a Monday and dealing in that, so that when I started paying for things on my card again, I know that I’d spent too much money. I decided to give this a try again, and although I’m still trying to work out exactly how much is a reasonably weekly amount for my current lifestyle, it has at least made me a lot more aware of my spending habits.

My Goodreads account tells me that I am currently 4 books behind schedule to hit my reading goals for this year, so I need to up my game on that one. I am going to try and set aside 30minutes a day for the next few weeks to read to try and get back in to the habit. After all, I have a ‘to-read’ list a mile long that needs tackling sooner or later!

Finally, I need to start exercising again. Seriously, I am starting to feel the podge and it is seriously uncool!

Which goals are you working on at the mo?



January Goals Review.

31 Jan

Right then, time to recap my goals!

* Read 2 books – I’m glad to say that I absolutely smashed this one within the first 2 weeks!

* Workout 10 times – Ummm I actually forgot to count! But I think I’m just about there – dog walks, badminton, zumba and trips to the gym!

* Buy a winter coat! – Done, I love it!

* Find a routine that works – incorporating work, my new course, free time, friends, trips to the gym – I’m getting there, still going to take a bit more work next month I think!

Did you hit your goals this month?



January Goals.

9 Jan

A little late getting these in as I was too bus chatting about the holidays and resolutions, but I do have some goals for this month.

what you get from achieving goals

* Read 2 books.

* Workout 10 times – I’ve already got a pretty good start on this one, so fingers crossed.

* Buy a winter coat! – Already done πŸ˜‰

* Find a routine that works – incorporating work, my new course, free time, friends, trips to the gym…

Do you have any goals this month?

Mid Month Goal Review.

15 Nov

So, this month I challenged myself to:

* Read 3 books – I need to get on with this one! I am about half way through MWF seeks BFF – I’m enjoying it but am struggling to find the time to read among all the other pressures of day-today life!

* Watch 2 of IMDb’s Top 250 movies – Again, I need to get on with this one. I have acquired the dvds, now I just need to find a few hours to watch them!

* Donate Blood – My appointment is next week, so watch this space.

* Put together a good package for my BFFs birthday – I have some ideas…

* Go on a Photography Day in London – Completed!

So all in all, I’m not off to a bad start but need to pick up the pace for the second half of the month!

What were your goals for November? How are you getting on?




November Goals.

1 Nov

I decided to adapt my goals over August because I was going to be travelling and they needed to suit my lifestyle, but since coming back I’ve sort of given up on setting them. My 101 in 1,001 list is still at the back of my mind though and I could do with some direction, so am going to go back to monthly goals for November.

So here goes:

* Read 3 books – life is pretty hectic at the moment, and will only get more so in the run up to Christmas, but I think 3 books in a month if a perfectly reasonable expectation of myself.

* Donate blood – the appointment has been made…all I need to do now is not faint!

* Go on a photography day in London – I am going to the capital this weekend, time to get snap happy!

* It is one of my best friend’s birthdays in a few weeks and I would like to put together and send her a good parcel πŸ™‚

* Watch 2 of IMDBs top 250 movies.

What are your goals this month?



August Recap.

1 Sep


I am safely back home after my travels, and can’t wait to write the recaps and share my photos and stories with you all πŸ™‚

But first, a recap of my goals for the month….

August has been a hectic month, and I tried to adjust my goals accordingly.

Very pleased to say that I have made a successful start on Project 365, kept a detailed travel diary of my trip, and have definitely been enjoying life! I also read 3 and a half-ish books while I was away (reviews coming soon), so I think including what i read in the 10 days before I left I can safely say that I have achieved all of my goals this month!

How did you get on with your goals this month?



I Want To Write A Book.

20 Aug

Before I left on my travels, I was struggling to come up with enough post ideas to fill 3 weeks of blog space up, so I thought it was about time to share a secret with you. Well, it’s on my 101 in 1,001 list so possibly not too much of a secret depending on how much stalking you’ve been doing πŸ˜‰

I want to write a book. I always have done – just been struggling to come up with an idea, until now.


I don’t want to say too much really, but over the past year I have been compiling stories of my day-to-day life at school, noting down interactions with students and funny happenings. Whenever I’m ranting on about the latest injustice or laughing about a breakdown in communication or language mix up, my friends always tell me that I should write a book – maybe this is how I will make my millions?!!

Have you ever written anything? Or thought about it? What do you dream of doing to make your millions?

