Archive | September, 2012

Lacking Life.

29 Sep

I feel like my lil ol’ blog has been lacking life lately – and by that I mean updates on what is actually going on in mine! I have been working flat-out for the last few weeks so haven’t really enjoyed much play time, but I have been trying to make the mosy of the free moments that I have.

I have been trying really really hard to get back in the gym at least 2 or 4 times a week. Whilst I was away in Europe I adopted a very ‘holiday’ attitude towards my diet and was essentially just stuffing my face with lots of yummy things and pouring lots of cocktails down my neck! I am exhausted most of the time, but trying to remind myself that every little helps and that even 30minutes on the bike is better than nothing.

Also still trying to settle in to a good friendship with the new staff at school. Because of the way our rotas have worked out (there are 4 of us) but we are essentially split in to 2 couples, so it is hard to bond with everyone. I had an evening off on Monday though and my ‘partner’ and I hit the local pub for him to experience some traditional Somerset life (read: Cider!). There’s always a worry that when you go out wth just one other person that there could be an awkward silence, but we were chatting away all night and I had fun, which has to bode well for the rest of the year!

And finally, today I am off to meet my Mum for lunch 🙂

How have you been enjoying life lately?


Thought For Friday.

28 Sep

Happy Friday Everyone!

Wednesday Letters

26 Sep

Dear September, You’re going far too quickly! Seriously, please slow down – I have a lot of important decisions to make!

Dear New Students, Please start talking more! It is really difficult for us to bond and for me to help you feel at home when you look me like a mad woman when I ask you how your day was!

Dear Downton Abbey, Despite the fact that I find it really difficult to keep up with the story, I am so glad that you are back on our tv screens again!

Dear Blog Friends, I am so sorry that I haven’t finished catching up with all your blog posts from when I was away in Europe. Life has been busy, but I am slowly getting there!

Dear Anybody in the Staffroom, Please please please somebody make me a cup of tea!

Eurotrip Recap: Lecco, Italy.

25 Sep

So I was suddenly all on my own in Italy, but there are worse places to be, right?! Look at Lake Como – beautiful!

I spent a few days in the town of Lecco (north of Milan) and up at my friend’s mountain house.

You see that house right in the middle there? That’s where I was staying!

It was a lovely few days. I read my book, relaxed and it gave me time to formulate a new plan for the next 2 weeks.

By the time I left Lecco, I was feeling much more positive.

24 Sep

Have an amazing Monday 🙂

Eurotrip Recap: The Decision To Carry On Alone…

22 Sep

So my travelling partner had decided to leave me and return home, and I was all alone in Italy unsure of what to do.


Before Howard had given me his news, I had already planned for us to go and stay with some family friends of mine in the mountains above Lake Como for a few days, so my first decision was that I would go there for a few days and buy myself a bit more thinking time.

Mary took good care of me – fed me, looked after me and allowed me to think and talk through my choices, surrounded by some beautiful scenery.

I have always wanted to travel on my own, but I was nervous and unsure of my abilities to cope. However, I spoke to a few of my friends who have travelled alone, and they said it was a great experience. My main thought was that people go out to Japan/India/China for a year all the time, so surely I should be able to handle 2 weeks in Western Europe?! Also, there would be no cost difference between booking a last minute flight home now, or booking one in a few days time.

So the decision was made – 2 weeks solo travelling in Europe, here I came…

Thought For Friday

21 Sep

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible’!” – Audrey Hepburn

Happy Friday everyone!

Eurotrip Recap: Boat Trip in Split, Croatia.

20 Sep

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been so long since I wrote about my trip!

Last time, I had one day left to enjoy in Split, Croatia. My Mum was kind enough to send me away on my travels with a few extra euros and a note telling me that it was ‘to do something that you wouldn’t normally do’, so on our last day, we decided to take a boat trip out to the Blue Lagoon.

It was BEAUTIFUL. Seriously, I’ve never seen anywhere like it – the water was clear, the sun was shining, and the islands remained uncommercialised.

Our first stop was on a tiny island where we had a few free hours to explore, enjoy the beach and swim to cool down. The time flew by but I spent all morning thinking that I couldn’t believe how lucky I was – this couldn’t have been more different from my hectic school life!

Look at how clear the water was – amazing!

At lunchtime we climbed back on the boat for a complimentary lunch – I had smoked makeral. It was yummy, but let’s be honest, there’s a lot of effort picking it apart for not very much food! The boat then moved on to the Blure Lagoon, dropped anchor and we had a free hour to swim.

Lots of people were jumping in off the top of the boat, but I was absolutely terrified! I’m proud of myself just for swimming somewhere that my feet couldn’t touch the ground!

Our next stop was Milan, Italy, but getting there by train was going to take 24hours+, so we booked ourselves seats on a budget ferry line from Split to Ancona in the south of Italy.

I was still on a high from a wonderful day out, but when we got on the ferry the evening took an unexpected turn. Howard had decided that he wasn’t enjoying the hostel life and travelling all the time, and that he wanted to go home. Apparantly he had already discussed this with his friends and family back in the UK, and plans had been made regardless of what I felt. Needless to say,  I had a rather sleepless night worrying about whether I was going to continue alone or fly home aswell…..


19 Sep

Good morning lovelies!

I can’t believe t’s been almost a week since I was last here – life has been a little hectic to say the least. The first week of term always is – especially at the beginning of the academic year.

At the weekend, 120 students and 15 staff went away on a team building weekend. I was less than enthusiastic about going, haunted by memories from last year, but I more than perked up once I realised that we would be staying right on the centre’s own private beach!

It was good to get to know the students, but more importantly good to get to know my new work mates!

I’ve popped back home for the day today – time to chill out and write my next Eurotrip recap!

#60. Visit A Country I Have Never Visited Before!

13 Sep

When I was away travelling Europe this summer, I visited Macedonia for the first time (Check out my review of Skopje here).

There were a lot of statues…..!

This summer has done wonders for my 101 in 1,001 list!