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A Letter To The One That Got Away.

3 Nov

Dear The One That Got Away,

I hope this letter will come as a pleasant surprise – or at least a pleasant confirmation of niggling doubt (It’s times like this that I wish I could read your mind!) – either way, I hope you’re not digusted by the revelations! (I’m scared now..)

I have spent about 2 years (on and off, I’m not that much of a stalker!) now trying to figure these feelings out, but I guess it’s about time to come clean – somewhere between late night study buddy dates, sunbathing with pizza and an abundance of drunkeness, I fell for you.

Apparantly it was obvious to everyone else that we were crazy about eachother?! (If you had heard these rumours and a) didn’t tell me, or b) it was true and you didn’t declare your undying love for me (!) then I’m going to kill you!)

Do you remember that day you came round to our place and the girls and I were sunbathing in the garden? (You were wearing a white top if that helps – stalker alert!) 3rd housemate had her boyfriend around and the way we acted towards eachother prompted him to believe that you were my boyfriend.

I’m not 100% sure where I’m going with this (standard!) but I guess that afternoon just cemented the feelings in my mind (I think it took me a while to realise what I felt at all…you know what I’m like!)

On the night that we did finally start to get together (so so drunk, but YES! AT LAST!) I wish I’d told you how much I’d wanted it to happen, or asked you what you thought, how you felt, or suggested that we carried things on – but in the morning I was just so relieved that nothing was awkward and you got up and walked me home, and that we were still friends, that any other thoughts just went to the back of my mind…

I guess what I’m trying to say through all this rambling is that I like you, and I have done for a long time now, and some things that I’ve heard (and seen/imagined) suggest that you do or have felt the same, so I need to know where you’re at with this?!

I’ve spent a while (read: all my free time) thinking about this and trying to get over it, but I think I owe it to myself (and you) to tell you and see what happens. As long as I always have you as a friend I will be fine.




29 Jul

I had another lovely evening last night – I am loving the new job, but a few days at home to chill out is also good news!

Tuna Salad, and Ryvita with Hummus for dinner.

I have a lot of time for Hummus in my life!

After dinner I settled down to watch Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging before heading out for drinks with the girls.

I know it’s a teenage film and I may possibly be am a little too grown up for it, but I have a soft-spot for Aaron Johnson.


Mmmmmm 🙂

Talking of boys, I have one on my mind! It’s been a few weeks now, and we’ve only spoken a little, but the butterflies are still there – bleugh!

How did you spend your evening? And what was for dinner? (You know I LOVE to talk about food!)


Head Clearing.

11 Jul

I’m feeling a bit lost today, not really sure why. After a fairly quiet morning at work, I came home and fuelled up with a Tuna Salad for lunch. I was tempted to make do with a few chocolate biscuits and a bottle of coke, but know that I need to try really hard to get back on track with my diet this week.

After lunch I took a 4.5 miles walk to clear my head. I’m not really sure exactly what was on my mind, but I felt like it needed clearing! All of this moving house, boy confusion and new job stuff is a lot to have going on in my small head you know!

I think Maisie was really glad though!

I’m feeling much better now 🙂

Coming up this week on threetimesf

* The return of the 30 Day Photo Challenge

* C25K week 6.

* How to drink your daily recommended amount of water every day!

Plus lots more fun 🙂 So do come back!

How has your day been?


Don’t forget, I’m still looking for a few Guest Posters for over the next few weeks – get involved!

Nerves, Partying & Boy Talk.

10 Jul

Hello Gorgeous People!

How was your weekend? I’m a little sad that it’s Sunday night again already!

Still got 8 days left in the office, before the big move for my new job. To be honest, I’m starting to feel a little anxious. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait, and it’s a fantastic oppurtunity, but the thought of moving to another city where I don’t realy know anyone is a little daunting to say the least!

I’ve had a pretty busy weekend with a trip to Cardiff for a family friend’s 60th birthday party. It was good fun – nice to catch up with lots of old faces. We had dinner and champagne, and the ‘oldies’ danced the night away!

I know I don’t normally blog about boys (well, never except for the one that got away). I kind of want to today though. Let’s call him A. Like I said, I’ve been away to visit some old family friends this weekend….and they have a son. Can you see where I’m going with this?! It would seem that A has filled out a little and become pretty HOT since I last saw him. Lots of kissing and cuddling went down. Mmmmmmmmmm, nothing like a little ‘fun’ to make a distinctly average party a little more enjoyable.

Ooooooohh, I’ve got butterflies in my tummy!

I’ve eaten a lot and not worked out very much at all this weekend, so need to make a real effort to get back on track this week.

How was your weekend? Did you work out? Get up to anything fun? Oooohh and share your boy talk please! 🙂

Big ❤


The One That Got Away.

16 Jun

Well lovely readers, I have something a little different for you today. As promised at the beginning of the week, it’s time to tell the tale of the one that got away.

(I love documenting my food and exercise and healthy living goals, but the blogs that I love to read also tell stories and a little insight in to the blogger, so this is what this is! I want us to be friends see?!)

We all have that one person (well, in my case there are 2..but I’m only going to disuss one today), and in my case his name was (well is, but the story seems to call for past tense!) Dan.

We met at the beginning of university through a mutual friend, and were on the same course taking many of the same lectures. Now, my friends and I all played a particular role within our group – I was the good friend – always there to offer a hand, a shoulder to cry on or some moral support. Dan was the joker, ‘Jack the lad’ if you will – his life revolved around football, beer, having a laugh with the boys and oggling Molly from The Saturdays.


I guess ours is a typical student story of unrequited love – I liked him, then he liked me, then I liked him again – this viscious circle continued for about 18 months before anything was said!

As soon as dissertations were written, it seemed to dawn on us – the bittersweet realisation that we only had a few weeks left together. The dvd nights, junk food extravaganzas and homemade cocktails were about to come to an end.

Over that last month, I savoured every last minute I spent with my friends, Dan especially. We managed a few stolen kisses and cuddles, and then before I knew it it was time for it all to end.

Somewhere between a lot of drunkeness, afternoons of sunbathing and late night study buddy dates, I fell for that boy. I fell for him bad, and my biggest regret is that I never revealed to him the true extent of my feelings.

Now he has a girlfriend and I may never get my chance again.

So here’s my advice to you – Have the courgae to tell those that you love the truth!

The worst thing that could happen is that they could tell you that they don’t feel the same – and take my word for it, that can’t be any worse than not knowing what could have been.

Tell me your stories of ‘the one that got away’ – you must have one!
