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And Happy Maisie’s Birthday To You Too!

14 Feb

I can’t believe that it’s Thursday already! Seriously, where has this week gone? And why do holidays always go a million times faster than working weeks?!

Happy Valentine’s Day my loves! Here, we are more focussed on our very own birthday girl…

Maisie Birthday

I’m having a wonderful day too. I’ve had my hair done this morning, and spent the afternoon at the theatre with Mother Hen watching Proppeller and their touring performance of Twelth Night, which was fantastic, if a little difficult to keep up with!

How are you spending your day?




1 Oct

Lovely day at the beach yesterday – erfect way to blow away some weekend cobwebs and clear my head πŸ™‚

And just because Maisie hasn’t been around anywhere near enough lately – seriously, could she be any more adorable?!

How was your weekend?



Happy Maisie’s Birthday To You Too!

14 Feb

Maisie is 7 years old today!

She has been a massive part of my life ever since the day I met her, and I hope she will continue to be for another 7 years.

Happy Valentines Day Maisie’s Birthday to you too! πŸ™‚ Have a great one my loves.



Monday Memories: The Day We Met Maisie.

31 Oct

Hello lovelies,

I hope you had a fantastic weekend? I can’t believe it’s Monday again already (I feel like I’m saying that every week at the moment!

Time for a new series! πŸ™‚

Now, anybody who has read more than a few threetimesfΒ  will have met Maisie!

Today’s memory is about the day that I first met Moo πŸ™‚

A sad story with a very happy ending.

It was about a month after my Dad died, and we had been talking about getting a dog for a while. I was 16, and used to have a weekend job working as a waitress at the local pub. A woman there was breeding black labradors, and I really wanted one (seriously, I have never pestered my mother about anything more in my life!)

One day I came home from school, opened the front door and I had a puppy scrambling all over me!

I remember being so so excited, and obviously was very keen to walk her (I wondered how long that would last?!). Over dinner that evening we decided to call her Suki.

The honeymoon period soon ended when Suki started getting really sick. Endless trips to the vet ensued, and we were constantly up in the night sitting with her and cleaning up accidents.

I forget how long Suki was with us, but in the end we decided to have her put down (she wasn’t going to get better.)

I was devastated.

My Mum had called the breeder, to let her know what had happenned, and she told us that she still had one pup that she had been unable to home.

Enter Maisie in to our lives!

As soon as we had a ‘healthy’ puppy, it became apparant how sick Suki had been. Ironically, we knew we would be leaving her home alone during the day and has chosen her for her quiet, shy personality.

I guess this is all a bit of a blessing in disguise, because although it caused a great deal of heartache, Maisie is the best dog I could wish for πŸ™‚

Do you remember the first time that you ‘met’ your pet?



It’s Good To See Maisie Adapting To City Life!

3 Oct

She looks happy πŸ™‚ And that makes me happy πŸ™‚

I hope you’ve had a fantastic Monday!



Definitely Not Lost For Words.

6 Sep

I’m struggling a little lately to come up with blogposts that I think are actually worth posting – I think it’s because of the lack of photos I have been taking lately! Call me crazy, but I just don’t think that photos of wet, rainy days are as pretty as sunsets!

So today I thought I’d just ramble on for a while with a little life update….

* School has started. The students have arrived and I am now in charge of 28 foreign girls! It is always difficult at the beginning because I am struggling to guage their level of English, and for many of them it is their first time away from home. But I survived the first night, and we shall get there!

* I’m going to be completely honest with you all – My eating plan has gone completely down the pan lately. I have been stuffing my face with chocolate and biscuits (and wine!) because I was under the impression that as I was on my feet all the time I would burn all these calories. However, this is not working out! (I don’t mean to sound so surprised?!) so as of today I am going to make sensible choices at school dinner times, and limit the amount of tea and biscuits I scoff in the evenings! (Next week – aim to get exercise back on track!)

* Mother is officially moving house on Friday. Eeeeeeekk! In a few weeks she will take my brother back to university, and that weekend just happens to coincide with my weekend off, so she asked me to go home and look after Maisie. I have to go home and spend my first weekend in this new, big, scary house on my own….fair?! No, I don’t think so either!

But yay for Sophie-Maisie time!!

* Finally, I have to work for 3 weeks now without a break. Day 2 of 21. Let’s do this thing!

What has been going on with you lately?



Friend Fun & Hungover Packing.

29 Aug

Happy Monday Lovelies!

How was your weekend? Nice & relaxing I hope – if not, you still have a day left, so don’t stress! Oooh, and I hope all my stateside readers managed to stay out of Irene’s path – please do share your stories.

I had a lovely weekend – enjoying my last few days of unhealthiness and school holiday.

The healthy food plan isn’t exactly back on track yet… (Btw, Thank you so much for all your encouraging comments on my last post! I love blogger support!)

But in my defence I was a little hungover… (read: dying.)

Anyway, back to the weekend. My friend from uni, Lou, came to visit (It has been a good week for friend visits – first BFF Lois and now Lou!) As you’ll know if you’re a regular reader I am in the middle of the packing-house-moving-nightmare, so Lou stayed with another of our friends, but we did manage to catch up for a night out on Saturday.

We may have had a little too much to drink…

But there was a lot of dancing, and it was nice to see my favourite girls and let my hair down (as it were – my hair hardly even touches my neck these days!)

However, yesterday I wasn’t feeling too hot! A 3.30am bed time was not exactly what I had in mind – I am getting too old for that! (As a sidenote – I came home and tweeted about my excitement for the leftover curry I found in the kitchen. Apparantly the rice/naan had been set aside for Maisie’s breakfast – Drunken Sophie had other ideas!)

Sunday was dedicated to some more packing. It was a nightmare, but I am finally making some progress – which is good because I need to be finished today! Tomorrow I am back at school for a week of induction – can you believe how fast my 2weeks holiday has gone?! Me neither 😦

What are you ‘too old’ to do now?



Happy Dog Day!

26 Aug

So, some of my twitter friends have alerted me that it is National Dog Day today. At least it is in the states (hi guys!) Who knows about the UK?!

But any excuse to post this mug on my blog is a-okay with me.

Happy Dog Day Maisie! ❀ ❀ ❀




22 Aug

Could my pup get any cuter, seriously?! I love that face!

Something very exciting is happenning today – watch this space πŸ˜€

Happy Monday πŸ™‚



Ps – Last night I found a MASSIVE spider IN MY BED!!!! Not al all amused 😦


21 Jul

Ooooooh, new job nerves are really starting to kick in now!

I left my old…current…old job yesterday. It was a sort of bittersweet feeling – although I am really happy about starting at school (the new job…this could get confusing!) I am a bit gutted to be leaving the office – the work is sometimes dull but I really could not wish to work for nicer people πŸ™‚

In my head it is still 6 weeks until I move to Taunton and start. In reality, it is now less than 48 hours!

The only thing I have done to prepare so far is to get a hair chop… (pictures coming tomorrow once camera has been charged!)

I am very excited about the job, don’t get me wrong, but the whole moving to another town where I don’t know anyone is a little very daunting.

Plus, I’ll REALLY miss Maisie.

Who couldn’t miss that face?!

In other news, I lost 2lbs this week. WOOHOO!

Big apologies for being pretty quiet lately – life is manic, but I promise I will sort my threetimesf act out soon!

