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Monday Walk & C25K.

4 Jul

Quiet workout day today – only an hour long evening stroll this evening. Fun, but not exacltly blood pumping. I feel a bit bad about skipping Jazzercise but the weather was too nice to stay inside.


Chilli & Chickpea Cake burgers, with some Pepper & Broc.

Big plans to start C25K week 5 in the morning. A little bit intimidated by the fact that week 5 workout 3 is 20minutes of straight running. Scared Face.

How has your day been?


Doing Life Again.

27 Jun

I know you probably think I’m a little bit obsessed with Ben’s blog at the mo, but he speaks real sense – Life is rubbish when you’re not ‘doing it’!

I haven’t worked out for about 8 days now, and have been eating a load of rubbish over the weekend. I was feeling like total poo.

It was an effort to drag myself to Jazzercise tonight, but I’m so glad that I went.

Post workout…

Time to re-fuel…

Steamed Salmon with some Rice (I know it blends in to the plate, but promise it is there!) with Brocolli & Asparagus. Can you tell I like Pepper?!

With some great entertainment…

4th Set…totally even…come on Nadal!
