Archive | June, 2012

Five For Friday

29 Jun

1. This week has been mental! I’ve hardly had time to sleep, let alone blog, which makes me sad! It does mean that I’m going to have a good hour catching up on reading all your posts once I have time to relax a little tomorrow!

2. It’s our end of year staff do tonight – excited!!

3. I have some very exciting news coming up next week 🙂

4. I am loving the weather lately – it was so sunny yesterday! 🙂

5. I have to move rooms at school this weekend, and have thus far done nothing which is stressing me out a little…. I hate hate hate packing 😦

how are you all? Happy Friday!

A Tribute? What I Have Learnt? I Love These Guys!

27 Jun

I know I keep babbling on about the end of the school year here this week, but it’s pretty much been totally consuming me lately.

So, this is what I have learnt from the students this year and a few last thoughts…

* I have massive respect for each and every one of them for thei self-confidence to travel so far away from home at such a young age and study their GCSEs in another language.

* It has been an absolute pleasure to see them grow in to such confident, and decent, young people. I remember when a lot of them arrived at the beginning of the year they didn’t know how to change the sheets on their bed or understand why I was asking them to wash their dish after a snack, but the progress over the last 9 months has been amazing!

* I now know so many little snippets in other languages – and enough swear words to pretty much insult anybody in any European and many other countries I think! haha 😛

* I grew up in a little village in the middle of nowhere and have had a pretty sheltered upbringing, so the exposure to such a range of different cultures and traditions has been quite the experience (and learning curve!)

* It sounds stupid, but I’ve learned to talk slowly, and express myself better. I can reel off 5 different explanations for things at the drop of a hat these days!

* Finally, they’ve taught me to have more self-confidence. These kids are amazing – and if they can do it, then so can I!

What have you learned from the people you work with?


An Emotional Rollercoaster.

25 Jun

This week has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least.

There are approximately 90 students a year at my school. Imagine living with young people from all over the world for a year, then suddenly the end of the Summer term comes to an end and everyone goes their seperate ways, many back to their own countries or different schools, most likely never to be seen by staff again! It’s a sad sad affair when the goodbyes start to happy!

We have had an AWESOME week before the tears though. Sports Day, Sports Awards & BBQ, The Summer Ball & Prizegiving.

I’ve been told that it becomes easier every year, but I think these kids will always have a place close to my heart because it was my first whole academic year spent in the same school, and I couldn’t help but get attached.

Now just to prepare myself for the next batch of students to arrive next week!

I Need To Remember This.

23 Jun

Thought For Friday

22 Jun

Nothing that’s worthwile is ever easy – Remember that.


Happy Friday!

The Book Chat

21 Jun

Linking up with Jessica for The Book Chat again today.

This week’s prompt: Is there a book (or pile of books) you have been meaning to read but haven’t gotten around to it?

I am going to cheta slightly here, and I am having a crazy hectic week and link back to this post that I wrote a while ago detailing ‘that to-read list’. I am currently reading Room, by Emma Donoghue, and Blood, Sweat & A Cup of Tea, by Tom Reynolds and am really enjoying them both.

What is currently at the top of your ‘to read’ list? Any to avoid?



Mid-Month Goal Review

19 Jun

I thought my goals this month were pretty smart, but I didn’t really take in to account my hectic schedule and how limited my time would be when I set them… 😦

Quick flashback to the beginning of the month to see how I’m getting on.

* Listen to 5 Ted Talks – Done, done and done (and done and done!)

* 15 varied workouts – I am struggling with the workouts. Somewhere between getting poorly, and making a few too many excuses, I have sort of put it on the back burner a little until next week. I know this isn’t exacxtly going to help, but unfortunately now is just not the right time.

* Colour a whole colouring book (get started on this one from 101 in 1,001) – Colouring book yet to be purchased….so I haven’t actually started colouring yet!

* Read 4 books – I am 1.5 books down – need to speed up a little!

* Eat 5 fruit and veg everyday – I’m making a real conscious effort with this one.

* Update my iTunes – I have a list of songs that I want to put on there…does that count?!

So, in short, I’m working on it.

How are your June goals going?




A Hectic Week

18 Jun

Happy Monday lovelies, I hope you had a fantastic weekend. I’m feeling much better after yesterday, I guess I just had a case of the father’s day blues.

On Saturday we went on an end of year school trip to Thorpe Park. It was a long day (8am – 8.30pm) and lots of travelling and queuing, but I think all of the students enjoyed, and it was nice to get out and enjoy one of our last days together – I’m feeling very bittersweet at the moment – I can’t think of any other way to explain it.

The weekend was only the start of a manic last week here. Tomorrow is sports’ day, including the annual staff vs students rounders match. I can’t help but hope that the staff will have an edge giving that most of us at least know the rules to rounders, but who knows?! My hand-eye co-ordination is a little questionnable!

Then on Wednesday we have our Summer Ball, and I am running around like a headless chicken at the moment trying to organise a ‘beauty day’ for the girls. I’ll let you know how that works out…..


In theory it should be amazing, but the organisational aspects are causing some stress!

Then it’ll be Prizegiving, some tearful goodbyes and they will be gone as quickly as they arrived all those months ago…..

This isn’t the end. It’s not even the beginning of the end – but it is perhaps, the end of the beginning.

How are you all? Having a busy week?



Dear Dad

17 Jun

Dear Dad,

I miss you. I don’t like to admit it because somehow it makes me feel inadequate, and as if I can’t take care of my grief alone, but I do.

I feel guilty for taking you for granted so much when you were around and for being so rubbish at keeping in touch.

Words can’t explain how much I missed you at my university graduation, or when I wanted to call you to tell you about my first real job, or how I’m a little scared of weddings because I know you won’t be there to walk me down the aisle when the time comes.

I love you – I’m really making an effort to get back in touch with your family – I hope you know how difficult it is for me, but I really need that link to you.

I miss you everyday – and am waiting to be reunited with you one day – I know you’ll be waiting for me. Happy Daddy’s Day.

All my love,

Your Baby Girl xxx

Thorpe Park.

16 Jun

Off to Thorpe Park this morning on an end of year school trip.

Early start, but very excited for the rollercoasters!