Archive | October, 2011

Monday Memories: The Day We Met Maisie.

31 Oct

Hello lovelies,

I hope you had a fantastic weekend? I can’t believe it’s Monday again already (I feel like I’m saying that every week at the moment!

Time for a new series! 🙂

Now, anybody who has read more than a few threetimesf  will have met Maisie!

Today’s memory is about the day that I first met Moo 🙂

A sad story with a very happy ending.

It was about a month after my Dad died, and we had been talking about getting a dog for a while. I was 16, and used to have a weekend job working as a waitress at the local pub. A woman there was breeding black labradors, and I really wanted one (seriously, I have never pestered my mother about anything more in my life!)

One day I came home from school, opened the front door and I had a puppy scrambling all over me!

I remember being so so excited, and obviously was very keen to walk her (I wondered how long that would last?!). Over dinner that evening we decided to call her Suki.

The honeymoon period soon ended when Suki started getting really sick. Endless trips to the vet ensued, and we were constantly up in the night sitting with her and cleaning up accidents.

I forget how long Suki was with us, but in the end we decided to have her put down (she wasn’t going to get better.)

I was devastated.

My Mum had called the breeder, to let her know what had happenned, and she told us that she still had one pup that she had been unable to home.

Enter Maisie in to our lives!

As soon as we had a ‘healthy’ puppy, it became apparant how sick Suki had been. Ironically, we knew we would be leaving her home alone during the day and has chosen her for her quiet, shy personality.

I guess this is all a bit of a blessing in disguise, because although it caused a great deal of heartache, Maisie is the best dog I could wish for 🙂

Do you remember the first time that you ‘met’ your pet?


29 Oct

Good Morning World!

To be honest I feel like a bit of a loser that I am so excited about getting back to school today after the holidays – but I’ll just take it as a good sign that I am enjoying my job so much?!

First though, lunch with one of my bestest friends 🙂

Beth and her family live in the village that I have just moved away from. We went to school together for 12 years, we travelled Europe together a few years ago, she has been to visit me at university, and even recently dropped in to see me in Taunton. Don’t you just love best friends?!

So yeah, lunch…and then back to T-town for fireworks and The Wurzels!

How are you spending your Saturday?


ps – I lost 1.5lbs at weigh in this week  – wooooooop!

Thought For Friday

28 Oct

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others;  For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. – Audrey Hepburn.


Happy Friday Everyone!

A Year In Blackberry!

27 Oct

Do you ever wonder what somebody would think if they found your phone in the street?! I do…all the time (I’m a little weird like that!) I’ve had my blackberry for almost a year now – check out the madness!

And what have we learnt?! Lemons are sour…even when soaked in coca cola!

My Mother is just as strange as I am….

I think she almost had a fit the day I won this beast (Meet Henrietta Hippo!) at a school fair!

She had a lot of friends too – check out all the cuddly toys we found when we were packing up the house! (These were only our favourites…that’s how they survived this long!)

As a funny (read: sad) sidenote, we lived out in the country and had a few problems with mice. When we found him again, the whale had had both of his eyes eaten! 😦

What a cool Spongebob baloon!

And most importantly – school singing competitions are stupid, but when you need a shield as a prop, Miss Leach is the best person for the job!

What random pictures do you have on your phone?!


Holiday Boredom.

26 Oct

If I’m honest with you guys, I’ve been a little bored for the past few days. I really appreciate half term and the oppurtunity to get a solid 10 hours sleep (seriously, no chance of this at school with bells ringing every 10 minutes!), but I miss the kids, I miss my friends there and quite frankly I miss having something to do every minute of the day.

Socialising has been tough since moving to the ‘big city’ (Okay, it’s not that big, but it’s not the little village where I used to live next door to all my friends!) I am willing to make the effort, of course, but I hate having to drive everywhere to see my friends. Besides, they’ve all been working.

Last night things started to look up though. I went out to one of my favourite places with my 4 favourite people 🙂

Board games, beer, chocolate cake and gossip. Smiles all round 😀

Today, however, we are having a plumbing nightmare at the new house…

On Books.

25 Oct

I don’t mention it on here very often (or at all!) but I love to read.


I always have done, but since starting the new job I haven’t really had much free time.

So I am setting myself a little (read: massive!) challenge. I was stumbling the other day, and came across this webpage. For world book night next year, a list of the top 100 books is being compiled. I am going to do my best to start trawling my way through them, and keeping you guys updated!

Anyone want to join me?

I have read 7 of them so far…this is going to be big!

Bring it on 🙂


Monday Musings.

24 Oct

How was your weekend my lovelies? I hope you had lots of R&R time like me – I finally feel like I’ve caught up on all the sleep that I missed out on over the last month at school!

Just a few little updates for you today…

I still haven’t finished my pgce application, and quite frankly it is stressing me right out! I am having a nightmare getting the information I need about GCSE exam boards (the lady that I spoke too kept telling me how important it was to keep my certificates safe – she’s clearly never moved house!)

If you’ve been reading threetimesf for a long time you’ll know that before I started my job in Taunton, I used to attend a Slimming World group. Well, last week I went back for the fist time in 2 months to get weighed. To say I was dreading it would be an understatement – I have been eating, drinking and not running for the last half term, but I have only gained 1lb! Can I get a woop woop?! We’ve also made a little pact at school to hit the gym and healthy eating hard after the holidays, so hopefully I will soon be back on track.

I have a date to go and see fieworks and The Wurzels on Saturday night – how insane is that?!!

I am currently reading James Corden’s autobiography ‘May I have your attention please?’ – that man is hilarious. I highly recommend it.

Have a good day – don’t forget to be awesome!


ps – this is my 200th post – Craziness! Thanks for reading guys 🙂

Today’s Goal.

23 Oct

Today’s goal is to drink enough water. I wrote  a post on this a while ago, but have been feeling pretty dehydrated and tired lately so need to make more of an effort 🙂

What is your goal today?


What I Learned From Being A Big Sister.

22 Oct

Today is my little brother’s birthday. Well, he’s taller than me now, but whatever, I will always be his big sister 🙂

I read this post a few weeks ago, and it got me thinking about what I’d learnt from different people and different situations.

I love my little brother to pieces for many reasons – one of which is because he has made me an amazing person.

He taught me to be patient and share. Those of you with younger siblings will understand – how often did you want to smack someone in the face for not letting you play with your favourite toy straight away?! Exactly.

He taught me to have more faith in myself. Will always pushes me to run further than I think I can. When I was a student, he used to tell me that I would rock whatever essay I happened to be writing.  Everyone needs a compliment every now and again.

He taught me that I am better than some of the boys that I fall for, and that if they treat me badly then they didn’t deserve my attention.

He taught me how to give darn good hugs!

Oooooohh, and he has also tried to teach me to juggle a number of times – s0 far unsuccessfully. Watch this space.

What did you learn from your siblings? Or from being an only child?

Happy Birthday Will, I love you more than you will ever know xxxxx


Half Term!

21 Oct

Hey guys 🙂

I just want to say that I’m so sorry that threetimesf has been looking so sad lately! You have no idea how glad I am that it is half term and I have 10 glorious days of holiday to catch up with my life!

It’s difficult to believe that 6 whole weeks have passed since term started. I am starting to settle down in to a routine, students are working hard and learning that life in a British boarding school is all about, and new friends are being made by everyone.

I’ve learnt a lot too…

When you’re working in a boarding house, and are expected to act like the student’s friend/big sister, it’s sometimes difficult to know how to keep things professional.

I am capable of working much longer hours than I ever thought possible.

It’s much better to be open in communication and ask for help, than struggle on on your own.

Teenagers haven’t changed. The girls regularly tell me about how their hearts skip a few beats when that boy walks in to the room. On the one hand, I get so excited for them, but I am also so so glad to be past that stage!

I definitely want to work with young people, and I am 99% sure that I want to start off by teaching psychology.

Ooooh, and I now know how to introduce myself and call someone ginger in Hebrew!

All in all, I’d say it was a successful few weeks!

It helps that my colleagues are freakin’ awesome! And also that the door to our flat looks great!! 🙂
