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12 Mar
It never gets easier

Checking In & Some March Goals

2 Mar

Wow, I didn’t mean to abandon you for another few days, sorry about that! I am alive, it has just been another hectic week – lots of coursework, lots going on at school and Mummy Leach’s birthday. It’s been busy but great 🙂

Now for some goals for the month…

* I have been slacking on the exercise front lately and am not very happy about it, so I’m going to aim to work out 12 times this month – I feel like 3 times a week is a realistic enough goal.

* I am also behind with my Goodreads goal for the year, so I’m hoping to read 4 books this month. I have an exciting variety from the library waiting in my room. As a sidenote, I love going to the library – anybody else?!

* I am doing well on my TEFL course, but would like it to carry on that way, so this month I hope to feel like I have improved during my next teaching practice and also not leave the 2 assignments that I have due until the last minute.

* Finally, I want to drink less tea and more water.

All sounds easy enough so hopefully I can smash them! What are your current goals?


Some Goals Talk.

21 Feb

I haven’t really talked much about my goals on here lately (too busy!) so here’s a little update… After all…

Goals that are not written down


When I was at university, I used to be really good at drawing a budgeted amount of cash out on a Monday and dealing in that, so that when I started paying for things on my card again, I know that I’d spent too much money. I decided to give this a try again, and although I’m still trying to work out exactly how much is a reasonably weekly amount for my current lifestyle, it has at least made me a lot more aware of my spending habits.

My Goodreads account tells me that I am currently 4 books behind schedule to hit my reading goals for this year, so I need to up my game on that one. I am going to try and set aside 30minutes a day for the next few weeks to read to try and get back in to the habit. After all, I have a ‘to-read’ list a mile long that needs tackling sooner or later!

Finally, I need to start exercising again. Seriously, I am starting to feel the podge and it is seriously uncool!

Which goals are you working on at the mo?


Lacking Life.

29 Sep

I feel like my lil ol’ blog has been lacking life lately – and by that I mean updates on what is actually going on in mine! I have been working flat-out for the last few weeks so haven’t really enjoyed much play time, but I have been trying to make the mosy of the free moments that I have.

I have been trying really really hard to get back in the gym at least 2 or 4 times a week. Whilst I was away in Europe I adopted a very ‘holiday’ attitude towards my diet and was essentially just stuffing my face with lots of yummy things and pouring lots of cocktails down my neck! I am exhausted most of the time, but trying to remind myself that every little helps and that even 30minutes on the bike is better than nothing.

Also still trying to settle in to a good friendship with the new staff at school. Because of the way our rotas have worked out (there are 4 of us) but we are essentially split in to 2 couples, so it is hard to bond with everyone. I had an evening off on Monday though and my ‘partner’ and I hit the local pub for him to experience some traditional Somerset life (read: Cider!). There’s always a worry that when you go out wth just one other person that there could be an awkward silence, but we were chatting away all night and I had fun, which has to bode well for the rest of the year!

And finally, today I am off to meet my Mum for lunch 🙂

How have you been enjoying life lately?


Honesty Is The Best Policy.

30 Jul

I’m going to be straight with you here – I sometimes hide the truth about my workouts and eating habits from TTF. There, I said it.

Recently, I have been eating far too much cake, drinking far too much wine, and lounging around on the sun far too much when I should be exercising. My C25K efforts have pretty much disappeared, and I am quickly falling back in to the trap of thinking that playing a leisurely game of badminton at the weekend will fulfil my exercise requirements for the week.

It’s not that I don’t want to make the effort, and I don’t want to lose a few pounds and get a bit fitter again. Trust me, I really really do. I’m just struggling to find the willpower. I know that that piece of cake on the staffroom table won’t make me feel much better, and I probably won’t even enjoy it that much, but I am constantly tricking myself in to thinking that ‘just one slice won’t hurt’. Maybe one slice wouldn’t, but 20 of those ‘a little bit doesn’t matter’ moments certainly do add up, and they do matter.

So I need your help! Please hassle me, please question me about why I haven’t been working out, and please help motivate me to get out of this slump. I am determined to get 4x45minute sessions in this week – that used to be normal for me so I know it’s do-able.

In 2 weeks time I am going away and will be trawling around European cities all day every day. At the moment I’m tired just thinking about all that walking, and I don’t want my trip to be ruined in any way because I couldn’t be bothered to walk across town. I know 2 weeks won’t make that much difference, but it’s all about attitude, and every little helps right?!

Let’s do this.

How do you motivate yourself when all you want to do is sit in the sun and eat that last slice of cake?


PS – Those of you that follow me on twitter will know that I didn’t win the euromillions the other day – sadface 😦

Next Goal.

16 Jul

This is my next goal for the summer months – along with re-starting the C25K programme (I’m just starting week 2!)


Bring it on – time to get rid of the cider and chocolate digestive belly!

What are your current exercise goals?


Sometimes, One Just Needs A Little Inspiration..

30 May

Today, I need that motivation to get my behind to the gym.


Ten For Tuesday

22 May

1. I am loving the weather at the moment – we were out until 9pm last night and I was wearing shorts. After the ‘summer’ so far,  this is nothing short of a miracle!

2. We went out last night to the Olympic Torch relay celebrations in Taunton – photos coming soon, but it was very very very cool!

3. I am a bit addicted to tinned peaches at the moment – I know what you’re thinking, it could be worse, but seriously, eating anything in these quantities cannot be healthy!

4. I have just started reading ‘Room’ by Emma Donoghue. I don’t really know what to make of it yet, I like the plot idea, but am unsure about the writing style. It’s very clever, but difficult to get used to – I’ll keep you updated!

5. This week is craaaaaaaaazzy! Exam season is in full swing, and I am scribing for one of the students in all his exams. Such a skill, I really don’t think I’d be able to let anyone write my exam answers for me!

6. As a result of this super busy few days, I amstruggling to fit any gym or workout time in which worries me because of my ‘workout 18 times’ goal – so I’m making the most of walking everywhere and doing some sit ups…..sometime’s you have to make the most of a bad situation!

7. I watched a movie called ‘The Blindside’ with Sandra Bullock the other day. I won’t say much other than it was pretty darn good, andit’d you haven’t seen it yet, do it soon!

8. My little brother text me yesterday to let me know thJustin’s housemate had just found the advent calendar that I sent him last year under the doormat in his house – so postmen of Southend, please accept this as my apology for moaning about you for supposedly stealing my little brother’s package all this time!

9. I am verybehind on reading your blogs and commenting and tweeting and sending some love lately, so I’m sorry for this too! Hopefully things will calm down soon, and we’ll be back in business!

10. I have bought the hair dye, and booked the hair appointment – I am well on the way to looking ‘normal’ again! Ooh, I also bought a new dress for my summer ball the other day – remind me to share that with you all sometime soon.

Happy Tuesday!

❤ Sophie

Sophie 1 – 0 Gym.

12 May

I beat one of my fears today.

For as long as I can remember, I have been afraid of using the weights machines at the gym when there are lots of other people around because I always have to read the instructions and am not 100& sure what I’m doing, and get embarassed that people are looking at me!

Not today though. Today I thought ‘They’re not watching me, they’re too busy focussing on getting their own workouts done. And if they are watching me then so what? I’m just trying to improve my strength training’, so I did it.

Sophie 1 – 0 Gym.

Dear Early Morning Workouts,

12 May

Thanks for making me feel like I’ve accomplished something amazing all before 11am!
