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Olympic Fever!

7 Aug

I’m not ashamed to admit it – I have Olympic Fever!

Before the games started, I was pretty excited about the hockey being shown on tv, and seeing Tom Daley dive, but other than that, I was just going to watch the 100m final and carry on as normal.

Oh how wrong I was – I have been glued to the tv for hours every day getting very overexcited about sports that I either don’t understand, or didn’t even know existed!!

It’s so exciting to think that the Olympics are actually taking place in England – the whole country seems to be embracing the spirit and getting very overexcited already.


I was  alittle concerned that the first few days of my Eurotrip this week may be wasted because lots of the events will be coming down to crunch time, but my friend assures me that as Athens is the home of the Olympics, we will fit right in!

The hockey has been my favourite event (no surprise there!) but I have also enjoyed the handball – that game looks like so much fun!! Have you embraced the olympic spirit? What have you enjoyed watching?


Jessica Ennis, Take A Bow!

5 Aug


What a hero.

I was worried that there was too much pressure and typically after being made the poster girl of London 2012, Ennis would not be able to hold her nerve and take Olympic gold. How wrong was I?!

(Full disclosure: I have a massive girl crush on Jess Ennis and am not at all ashamed to admit it!)

I hope Tom Daley can do the same later this week….

Olympic Torch Relay.

28 May

As I mentioned, last week I went to see the Olympic Torch realy – once in Plymouth (on day 1!!) with my Mum, then again in Taunton on a ‘school trip’.

Am I the only one childish enough to still find that sign hilariously funny?!!

The Taunton event was particularly cool as I was there with lots of friends, and Labyrinth (as in Earthquake) and Twist & Pule (as in Britain’s Got Talent) were both there, and I even spotted!

You can’t really see that well but that is the actual Olympic torch on stage!

It was such a cool experience, and has actually made me really excited for the Olympics to start…plus, any excuse to get out of school for the afternoon and drink beer!

Ten For Tuesday

22 May

1. I am loving the weather at the moment – we were out until 9pm last night and I was wearing shorts. After the ‘summer’ so far,  this is nothing short of a miracle!

2. We went out last night to the Olympic Torch relay celebrations in Taunton – photos coming soon, but it was very very very cool!

3. I am a bit addicted to tinned peaches at the moment – I know what you’re thinking, it could be worse, but seriously, eating anything in these quantities cannot be healthy!

4. I have just started reading ‘Room’ by Emma Donoghue. I don’t really know what to make of it yet, I like the plot idea, but am unsure about the writing style. It’s very clever, but difficult to get used to – I’ll keep you updated!

5. This week is craaaaaaaaazzy! Exam season is in full swing, and I am scribing for one of the students in all his exams. Such a skill, I really don’t think I’d be able to let anyone write my exam answers for me!

6. As a result of this super busy few days, I amstruggling to fit any gym or workout time in which worries me because of my ‘workout 18 times’ goal – so I’m making the most of walking everywhere and doing some sit ups…..sometime’s you have to make the most of a bad situation!

7. I watched a movie called ‘The Blindside’ with Sandra Bullock the other day. I won’t say much other than it was pretty darn good, andit’d you haven’t seen it yet, do it soon!

8. My little brother text me yesterday to let me know thJustin’s housemate had just found the advent calendar that I sent him last year under the doormat in his house – so postmen of Southend, please accept this as my apology for moaning about you for supposedly stealing my little brother’s package all this time!

9. I am verybehind on reading your blogs and commenting and tweeting and sending some love lately, so I’m sorry for this too! Hopefully things will calm down soon, and we’ll be back in business!

10. I have bought the hair dye, and booked the hair appointment – I am well on the way to looking ‘normal’ again! Ooh, I also bought a new dress for my summer ball the other day – remind me to share that with you all sometime soon.

Happy Tuesday!

❤ Sophie

London 2012.

7 Jun

Well, with only 416 days to go until the opening ceremony, London 2012 is all over the news – which I imagine will be the case for the next 18months at least.


Hearing about it constantly got me thinking about the impacts, both positive and negative, of the Olympics being held in my country.

Firstly, there are new sports facilities popping up everywhere. Not only for Olympic events. The whole event seems to be having a knock-on effect all over the country – hopefully this can only be a good thing for tackling some of our weight and fitness lifestyle problems.

In turn, all of these facilities are causing people to put themselves out there and get recognised, and providing some fantastic oppurtunities for young British athletes.

Understandably, everyone is also becoming a little obsessed with the effects of an event of this size on the economy. Hotels, B&Bs and new transport systems are popping up everywhere. Building contracts are being taken up, new jobs are being created and are gratefully received – however temporary.

None of this can be a bad things right?

Sure the country is going to go a bit mad for a month. Sure there is going to be a ridiculous amount of media attention, probably not all positive. But the oppurtunity to host an event such as this is an honour, and I for one am excited already!

What are your thoughts? Will you be making special allowances when the time finally comes – trips to the capital? Time off work? Let me know!

Just had some salad and a yoghurt for lunch:

In the mix – Mixed leaves and Rocket (grown in my neighbours garden and hand-picked this morning!) with some Asparagus, and a little Ham & Smoked Salmon buried in there somewhere!

Have done level one of 30DS already, and now off for a wander with Maisie.


ps – I promise I’ll be getting back on track with the 30Day Photo Challenge later today/tomorrow. Determined face!