Archive | January, 2013

January Goals Review.

31 Jan

Right then, time to recap my goals!

* Read 2 books – I’m glad to say that I absolutely smashed this one within the first 2 weeks!

* Workout 10 times – Ummm I actually forgot to count! But I think I’m just about there – dog walks, badminton, zumba and trips to the gym!

* Buy a winter coat! – Done, I love it!

* Find a routine that works – incorporating work, my new course, free time, friends, trips to the gym – I’m getting there, still going to take a bit more work next month I think!

Did you hit your goals this month?


Book Review: The Maze Runner, By James Dashner.

30 Jan

The Maze Runner(Source)

This book had been on my ‘to read’ list for a while after hearing (or reading!) so many people rave about it and tons of good reviews, sowhen I saw it on the shelves at the library, I knew I needed to check it out.

The Maze Runner is about teenager Thomas, who wakes up in the middle of a maze, unable to remember anything other than his first name. The book tells the story about Thomas coming to terms with life in the maze, trying to work out why they are there and if they will ever be able to leave.

I was a little worried that the book had been ‘overhyped’ and that I would be disappointed but that was definitely not the case! I was completely hooked and practically devoured the whole thing in a weekend! The chapters are short enough that you always think you can squeeze one more in, and every single one ends with a massive cliff hanger!

I don’t want to give too much away, but I have also never read a book with such an incredible twist at the end! Needless to say, I need to get my hands on the next one!

Have you read The Maze Runner? What did you think?

The Making Of Harry Potter.

29 Jan

Loading my camera up on to my computer made me realise how far behind I was with updating the bloggy world!

Remember last week when I went on a school trip to The Warner Bros Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter?

HP sign

Well, it was incredible. Seriously, I was like an excited little child all day!

Berlin, Xmas & HP world 156

Berlin, Xmas & HP world 169

I kept thinking ‘Oh, they’ve done such a good job of replicating that set’ before reminding myself that it was actually the real thing!

Berlin, Xmas & HP world 186

It took about 3 hours to do the rounds checking out Harry’s dormitory, Dumbledore’s office, The Great Hall, Privet Drive & The Knight Bus.

We even rode in Hargid’s motorbike…

Hargrids bike

And drove Ron’s stolen car…

Rons car

I don’t want to say too much and ruin the surprises for anybody else, but I will say this – if you’ve been umm-ing and aaah-ing about whether you should go (I know it’s expensive!) DO IT! It was one of the best days out I have had in a very very long time.

Hogwarts ’til I die.



28 Jan

Hey there.

Apparantely when I said last week that I was starting to feel a bit run down and overwhelmed that was a bit of an understatement. I have been fighting it off all week, but the illness has really hit me over the past few days and I have spent all weekend cuddled up in front of the tv at home with lots of Mummy TLC!

Still have lots to chat about though 🙂

We’ve had a lot of snow here this week, which has just prompted me to order a new pair of boots. I am struggling for money a little at the mo, but I feel like they are a justifiable key part of a winter wardrobe!

I’ve also just uploaded all the photos off my camera on to my computer and found a lot of Berlin and Christmas fun on there. I appreciate that it is a little late to be uploading Christmas tree photos, but here are a few of my favourites…

Berlin, Xmas & HP world 004

Berlin, Xmas & HP world 117

I also had another day on my TEFL course this week and feel like I’m starting to fall in to my stride. It’s definitely hard work, and I don’t anticipate it getting any easier, but I am definitely enjoying it.

And also coming up this week – A bit about my visit to Harry Potter world last week, all about how there’s a load of great tv on at the moment and a look at this month’s goals.

How have you been?



It’s Been A Long Time Since I Spent A Sunday Like This…

27 Jan

working Sunday

Thought For Friday.

25 Jan



Happy Friday!


19 Jan

Wow, it’s Saturday again already? This week has flown by!

I have lots that I want to say but don’t really know where to begin…

Firstly, I am run down. Oh so very run down! I think I’ve just been buring the candle at both ends a little too much this week and not sleeping anywhere near enough, but I feel like I have been run over and just got up and carried on with life (being the trooper that I am 😉 )

As I mentioned earlier this week, I started my TEFL course on Wednesday. It was exciting, and very interesting, but I am already snowed under with very difficult homework. Before I arrived at the language school on Wednesday i was nervous about making friends 9priorities!) but now it is starting to sink in just how hard this is going to be and how much of my time it is going to require. I know it will all be worth it in the end, I just need to find that balance, and quickly!

So between the course and working full time and all the travelling back and forth between school and home, I haven’t slept anywhere near as much as I needed to this week! I have been trying to keep up with the exercise though – it is difficult to remind myself that a game of badminton will give me just as much energy as a 45 minute nap, but I have been doing my best to squeeze something in.

I am also way ahead of my goals for this month and have already completed 2 books! (Check out my Goodreads profile here).

Finally, how exciting is this – I am off to the Harry Potter studio tour in London tomorrow on a school trip!! It’s going to be a loooooong day and I should probably be spending it catching up on sleep and learning some grammar, but there’s no way I was going to turn down such an awesome opportunity! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeekk, excited!

How’s your week been? Managed to squeeze in your workouts or reach any goals?

Have a fantastic weekend ❤

Thought For Friday.

18 Jan

TFF 10


Happy Friday!

Get To Know Me Liebster

16 Jan

Last week, the lovely Manda nominated me for a Liebster award. I have completed these posts a few times before, but thought that I’d answer Manda’s questions anyway as a fun way to get to know eachother a little better 🙂

  1. Do you prefer Starbucks or Dunkin Dounts? I’m not sure I’ve ever visited a Dunkin Donuts! But I do love Starbucks 🙂
  2. Do you read on a Kindle, Nook, iPad or prefer books? I have an iPad which I use the Kindle app on, but I also still read real books. I think they are better for different situations – I like to be able to lend books to friends and mark pages in them, but I could never have carried 6 books around with me when I was travelling in the Summer – the iPad is very convenient!
  3. What’s you favorite kitchen appliance? Umm I don’t really have one. Working in a baording school, I get all my meals cooked for me so don’t really use kitchen appliances – there’s no way I could live without a kettle though!
  4. Favorite adult beverage? I love Gin & Tonic, but I would take a Diet Coke over that anyday.
  5. What’s your fitness routine? Do you like it? I don’t really have a routine, I am struggling to get back in to the groove after Christmas. It’s a medium combination of running and badminton and school games lessons though!
  6. Why do you blog? I started blogging to keep track of my weight loss journey, then it changed in to a record of my life and a way to meet some great people. Now I can’t really think about a life without blogging.
  7.  What’s your favorite blog to read? Why? I have lots! Press Play, Ben Does Life & Healthy Tipping Point are high up on the list!
  8. What’s your favorite fashion accessory right now? I generally don’t wear many accesories – I’m rubbish at remembering to put them on!
  9.  What’s your favorite room in your house, why? My bedroom. Ever since we moved house last year I havea huge room! Because I live away at work most of the time, I love coming home to my own bed and my own personal space.
  10.  What’s your favorite food? Curry, Cupcakes, Fajitas!
  11. What do you hope to Make Happen in 2013? I want to qualify as an English teacher, get back in to a good exercise/healthy eating routine and find a new job that I will be happy in in September. It’s going to be big!

Your turn – answer a question! 🙂


15 Jan

I’m starting my TEFL course tomorrow, and I feel like a little kid the night before starting secondary school – so nervous!

I am excited, but worried that I may be a little out of my depth with all the work and time it’s going to require!

Either way, I have my bag packed, my lunch made and my alarm clock set.

Wish me luck!