3 Days In…

21 Apr

…to my new healthy lifestyle (!!) and things are going well. I have been keeping a successful food diary and have just signed up for a July 10k with some friends at work – accountability is key! Time to sort my life out (again!).

Thought For Friday

19 Apr

if it scares you


This couldn’t be more apt to my life right now!

Happy Friday Everyone!

Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s Back To Work I Go….

16 Apr

Well, the holidays are finally over. The early mornings are hard but I can’t say that I’m unhappy to be back – the structure is a welcome addition after the last few weeks!

We had a day of training yesterday but unfortunately I was feeling rather under the weather and ended up spending most of the afternoon in bed. A good night’s sleep seems to have mostly sorted it out though and I’m hoping to be back at 110% soon.

Back to real life and TEFL tomorrow – we have another observed (and marked) teaching practice and this time it is for a whole hour!! I’m a little nervous to say the least…

P.s. – a big thank you for all your lovely thoughtful comments on my Blogging Pressures post the other day – it’s so nice to hear that I’m not alone in feeling this way and means so much to me that you’d miss me if I disappeared!

101 in 1,001, One Year In.

14 Apr

A year ago today I spontaneously decided to start a 101 in 1,001 list and was surprised by how easy it was for me to come up with that many goals!

So, how am I getting on 365 days later?

Goals completed: 16

Goals in progress: 17

Goals I’ve half written off already: 2 – I guess my life goals have just changed and there are some thing that just aren’t as important to my anymore.

Goals left: 66 – a lot of which I have plans for in the not so distant future.

Have you ever made a goals list? Did you complete them all?





#84. Bake Cupcakes.

13 Apr


Thought For Friday

12 Apr

what we all want in life


Happy Friday Everyone!

On Blogging Pressures.

10 Apr

I struggle to know exactly what I want this space of mine to be – 2 years down the line I still don’t seem to have found my writing style or niche.

I go through phases of posting all the time and then posting not so much (as I’m sure you’ve noticed!) and when these not so posting times come then I try to make myself a list of all the posts that I want to write and all these ideas that I have and make myself a little posting schedule. Now this is all very well, and from the outside seems like a great idea but it means that I end up writing things weeks in advance and scheduling them because I know that I am going to be too busy to write and post during the week.

I’m not sure exactly what I wanted this blog to be, but the one thing I am sure of is that when I started out I wanted to keep a record of the hughs and lows of my life and everything in between. The fact that I’ve made some new friends and found some new projects along the way was an added bonus.

I don’t really know what I’m trying to get at here other than saying that I don’t like this pressure that I seem to be putting upon myself to conform to some sort of blogging society. I always wanted this space to be honest, to record what was going on in my life – both the important and slightly more mundane things, how I was feeling and about my dreams for the future.

I know it takes time and hard work and a lot of effort that I sometimes just don’t have, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to keep this little thing going even if nobody is reading.



Why do you blog? Do you ever feel pressured to post?


Thought For Friday

5 Apr

for one minute


Happy Friday Everyone!

Plymouth’s Big Wheel

4 Apr

Plymouth Big Wheel 002

Plymouth Big Wheel 018 Plymouth Big Wheel 005 Plymouth Big Wheel 006 Plymouth Big Wheel 009 Plymouth Big Wheel 017

The Book Chat

4 Apr

This is one of my favourite book chat topics for a while – Children’s books!

book chat

I have loved reasding and books for as long as I remember. I remember being stupidly excited about the week that the book fayre was coming to town. I remember picking up my first Harry Potter book off my primary school bookshelf having little idea of the impact that it would have on my life. I remember the books that I was desperate for my friends to read so that we could discuss!

There are a few that stand out more than others…

The Very Hungry Caterpillar! I’ve mentioned this one the last time The Book Chat had this prompt, but it was so special that it even made it in to my final year university coursework!

I’m not sue I’ve mentioned this on the blog before but when I was a child I also used to have a pet Barn Own named Willow. At one of the school book fayres I picked up a book about 3 owls (that’s all I can remember!) but I was absolutely obsessed with it just because it had owls in! Now, 15 years later, Owls are everywhere – I was miles ahead of the crowd!

I also had a personalised book that my Nanny gave me when I was younger – I was a bear and the story was all about me and my friends playing in a dream land (I think…it was a long time ago!)

As I got a little older it was all about The Babysitter’s Club and then The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. We used to have a book track scheme at my local library. Mum used to take me every Saturday morning after my trampolining lesson and those series’ would always be the ones that I sought out first.

Then came Harry Potter. What can I say about those? They were the first (and only) series that I pre-ordered and counted down the days until the release date, I waited eagerly for the movies and would stay up late every night until I finished the latest story. I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to say that JK Rowling changed my life…

What were your favourite books growing up?
